Fluorescent Lights

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A rundown warehouse hidden away in the seedy outskirts of the city houses where you work- an infamous underground fighting ring

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A rundown warehouse hidden away in the seedy outskirts of the city houses where you work- an infamous underground fighting ring. Its rusted metal walls seem to echo with the whispers of forbidden battles that had taken place within its walls. The air is thick with anticipation, a palpable mix of adrenaline, fear, and the putrid scent of sweat. 

Dimly lit by the flickering fluorescent lights hanging from the low ceiling, the ring itself stood as the focal point of the room. Its canvas is rather worn and stained, bearing the marks of countless intense matches. Surrounding the ring, rows of rickety wooden benches provide seating for the eager spectators, their eyes hungry for the raw display of violence. 

You, dressed in black jeans and a faded leather jacket, stand near the edge of the ring, holding up a tattered sign with bold letters announcing the upcoming fights. Your eyes dart across the crowd, taking in the diverse assortment of spectators from rough-looking men in leather jackets, women with smudged makeup and curious expressions, and even a few suited businessmen, eager to witness the brutality.

As the current fight concluded, your boss, a wide man with a greasy beard and a half-drunk demeanor swaggers over to you. He removes the cigar from between his lips and lets out a boisterous laugh, slapping his companion on the back. "Hey, Y/N, fancy joining the fray tonight? I hear you've got some moves!"

You arch an eyebrow, your lips curling into a sly grin. "Oh, Frank, you know I"m not one to back down from a challenge, but my talent lies in holding up signs and stirring up the crowd, not throwing punches."

The man beside Frank, a muscular and tattooed hulk of a man, joins in with a playful smirk. "Come on, Y/N, don't be a buzzkill. Let's see those hidden fighting skills of yours. I'll even go easy on you."

You tilt your head, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," you tell him. "But tonight my role is simply to ignite the crowd, not become their main event."

Frank erupts into a hearty laugh, swaying slightly on his feet. "Alright, alright, Y/N. Just remember, the offer stands if you ever change your mind. We could use a firecracker like you in the ring!"

With a nonchalant wave, you turn on her heels and saunter toward the exit, leaving behind the clamor of cheering and the aura of the underground ring, instead relishing the cool breeze that welcomes you into the night.

When you get home, you push open the creaky door of your shabby apartment, the worn-out handle offering a familiar resistance as you enter. Inside, the dimly lit space greets you with a mixture of comfort and weariness, the atmosphere a reflection of the struggles you face every day. Your gaze sweeps across the room, taking in the sight of Hakkai and Yuzuha lounging on the old, worn couch.

Hakkai, with weary eyes, is slumped against the cushions with a visible air of discontent surrounding him. He had tossed his school bag aside, a silent protest against the academic burden that weighs him down. You shake your head, your voice laced with a mix of sympathy and regret. "Hang in there, Hakkai. I know school is tough, but education is important. Don't make the same mistake I did."

"Oh, you're home!" your sister's voice chimes in, her hunger evident in the slight whine that accompanies her next words. "I'm starving. Is there anything to eat?"

You glance at the meager supplies in the kitchenette, sighing at the limited options. "We're low on groceries, but I'll go out later and get something. We still have bread," you say, retrieving a slightly stale loaf from a tattered bag.

Yuzuha scrunches her nose in distaste. "Stale bread again? Ugh, it's like chewing on cardboard."

You manage a half-hearted grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, I found some soup too. It's not gourmet, but it'll do for now."

Your two siblings gather around the small table, the flickering light from the television casting a hazy glow on their faces. You then join them and take bites of your small meal.

"What're you guys watching anyway?" you ask as you glance over at the television. The sound of new reports then fills the room, detailing the rising tide of gang activity in the area. "Oh, lovely."

Hakkai points at the screen, his voice laced with concern. "Look at it, Y/N. Gang violence is escalating. It's getting out of control."

You lean forward, a flicker of determination in your eyes. "I know, Hakkai. That's why we need to stay safe and look out for each other. We can't afford to get caught up in that world. Besides, you know exactly who is to blame for the world going to shit."

Yuzuha's brow furrows, her voice tinged with worry. "But what if we can't avoid it? What if he comes knocking on our door?"

"He won't," you assure her. "We've made it this long without him and we'll be fine. I have my job, you're looking, Yuzuha, and Hakkai, you're still going to school. Don't be an idiot like your two sisters and drop out."

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" Yuzuha smiles softly at you. "From all the crap we've gone though."

Hakkai nods. "Cause we've had Y/N to fight all our battles for us."

"That's not true," you disagree. "We've done everything together for the past six years."

As the last remnants of your simple yet comforting meal disappear from the chipped plates, the news reports of gang activity have subsided, replaced by a lighthearted comedy that elicits genuine laughter from all of you. It's in these precious moments, amidst the chaos of the world outside, that you find solace in the shared bond of family.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now