Healing Ointment

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That night as the moon casts its pale glow through your cracked window, Yuzuha quietly enters your cramped room

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That night as the moon casts its pale glow through your cracked window, Yuzuha quietly enters your cramped room. The flickering candle on your nightstand illuminated the somber atmosphere, casting dancing shadows on the worn-out walls.

Her eyes widen with concern as she takes in the sight of your battered face, the deep scar etched across your cheek a painful reminder of the brutality you endured. Without a word, she runs off to grab a damp cloth and a small jar of healing ointment.

"I can't believe he did this to you," she whispers when she returns, her voice filled with anger and sorrow. "Hold still, Y/N. I'll do my best to help but it looks really swollen..."

"It's okay," you whisper as her fingers gently graze the raised edges of your scar. You wince, feeling the sting against your skin, as Yuzuha meticulously applies the ointment.

"Does it hurt?" she asks softly, her eyes filled with worry now.

"It's not the pain that hurts," you mutter, feeling completely defeated. "It's the constant reminder of the shit we do just to survive every day and how much I've failed to protect you and Hakkai."

Yuzuha's eyes widen. She takes in a deep breath, her voice shaky as she reveals, "Hakkai joined a gang, Y/N. The Black Dragon gang. He thought it would help us, help you pay for rent and food."

Fear and disbelief flood your senses, freezing you in place. The mere thought of Hakkai anywhere near Taiju sent shivers down your spine. "No, he can't be involved in something like that," you shake your head. "It's too dangerous. What if something bad happens to him?!"

Your sister's eyes glisten with unshed tears, her voice filled with remorse. "He did it for us, Y/N. He wanted to take some of the burden off of your shoulders. He thought this was the only way to help, to make sure we have enough to survive. I'm too much of an idiot to even keep a job and you're always so busy doing everything you can at yours."

The weight of your siblings' sacrifices bear down on you, threatening to crush your lungs. The fact that Hakkai risked his own safety for the sake of the three of you fills you with an overbearing amount of guilt.

"We have to help him, Yuzu," you explain, gathering as much strength as you can muster. "We have to make sure he's safe. We can't let him do this alone."

Yuzuha nods, her voice trembling. "I know, Y/N. We'll figure this out. But please, promise me you won't blame him. He did this out of love."

As you look into your sister's eyes, you see the unwavering trust and belief she's always held in you. With a deep breath, you make a vow to protect Hakkai and guide him away from the path he had chosen. Together, you will navigate the currents of the gang world once again.

In that dimly lit room, amidst the weight of uncertainty and the echoes of your brother's choice, Yuzuha holds your hand. "After everything with Taiju, we can't let him get hurt even more. He tore us down, destroyed us, Yuzu. All three of us. And we can't let history repeat itself."

Yuzuha's eyes well up with tears as she nods, understanding the weight of your words. "The Black Dragon gang has gotten even more dangerous since we left. They won't just let him walk away this time."

"Which is why I'll do whatever it takes to keep him from getting swallowed up by that darkness," you resolve.

Her voice then shakes as she voices her concerns.  "But Y/N, we have to be careful. You can't just throw yourself into a dangerous situation, either."

"I know. I promise we'll be careful, gather information, and find any allies that we can. We won't give up on Hakkai."

"Okay," her lips tremble, but a flicker of hope dances in her eyes. "Let's do this together. We'll save Hakkai and protect each other. But, uh, how are we going to save him from the gang?"

"Give me 'til tomorrow," you nod as you lay your head down on your pillow. "I need some time to think of a plan. We can't rush into it blindly and I won't let anything bad happen to you, either."

"Promise me, Y/N," she says as her eyes search yours, seeking reassurance. "Promise me that you won't put yourself in any unnecessary danger."

"Of course, I promise," you answer, managing a small smile.

Yuzuha's eyes soften, a glimmer of hope shining through. "If there's anything you need, just let me know, okay?"

As she finishes cleaning your wounds once more, you can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the sister by your side. "I think I'm good for now, Yuzu. Go get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll figure out how to put our plan in motion."

With a gentle squeeze of your hand, Yuzuha wishes you a good night and leaves the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the weight of your newest challenge. Determination burns within you as you contemplate the next day. Tomorrow will be the start of a battle that forces you to take on the very person who threatened to tear your family apart.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now