Code of the Streets

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TW// talk of rape

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TW// talk of rape

Later that same evening you make your way over to the convenience store the next block over, simply looking to get a bottle of milk. However, as you enter the convenience store, the bell chimes like always when you arrive. Except this time, the sound is drowned out by the deafening tension in the air.

Your eyes widen as you notice a group of five figures, guns in hand, surrounding the frightened store clerk. Instinctively, you step forward to face them. There's no point in hiding or running away. They've already seen you and you don't want to turn and get shot in the back.

"What's going on here?" you ask, your voice echoing through the silence.

One of the men turns to you, a malicious grin growing across his face. "Well, well, look who decided to join the party. It's Y/N. You know, your family connections won't always be able to save you. Maybe you should turn around and mind your own damn business."

Undeterred, you lock eyes with the man, your voice laced with determination. "I don't care who you think you are or whatever connection you have to my family, but threatening innocent people for what, a pack of condoms that you won't ever use, is kinda fucked up, don't you think?"

Your words hang in the air, tension squeezing tighter with each passing second. The men's laughter fills the store, a harsh sound that mocks your words.

"Listen, Y/N, you think you're tough? I bet if we killed you, we'd actually be doing your brother a favor, right?" The person whom you assume is the leader steps forward, his eyes narrow with malice. "Besides, you're here all alone with nothing and nobody to save you. Maybe those condoms will come in use after all."

Just as the situation reaches a dangerous tipping point, you catch a dark figure casually strolling over from the back of the store. Miraculously, it's Mikey. He had been there the whole time, watching and assessing the situation.

A sly grin forms on his face as he steps forward, his voice filled with an air of authority. "Okay, that's enough. It's time for you guys to leave."

The leader of the group turns, his eyes widening with both surprise and a hint of fear as Mikey steps forward from the back of the store. "Mikey... What the hell are you doing here?"

"Why are you even speaking, right now?" he grumbles, becoming increasingly ticked off as he sees your face. "I just so happened to be in the neighborhood. And I don't like it when people mess with hardworking people in my town."

The leader's confidence wavers as Mikey's presence alone seems to shake him. The other members of the group exchange uneasy glances, sensing that their advantage has been diminished.

Mikey's gaze narrows, his voice carrying a steely edge. "Now, how about you put those guns down and leave? It's time to go home."

The leader scoffs, attempting to regain his composure as he points his gun at Mikey. "You really think you can take on all five of us?"

Mikey smirks, his gaze filled with confidence. "I don't need guns to take care of the shit on the bottom of my shoe."

Then, with lightning-fast reflexes, he swiftly closes the distance between himself and the group. In a breathtaking show of skill and precision, he disarms the first robber with a swift kick, sending the gun flying across the room.

Before the others can react, Mikey springs into action, unleashing a storm of lightning-fast strikes. His punches land with perfect accuracy, his kicks deliver devastating blows, and his light-footed movements allow him to effortlessly avoid their weak attempts at retaliation. The group is left stunned and bewildered, their minds unable to process the speed and power behind Mikey's every move.

With each strike, the assailants are sent reeling, their bodies contorted in pain as they struggle to find their footing. The air fills with the sound of grunts and thuds, accompanied by the occasional cry of anguish.

One by one, they fall to the ground, their weapons scattered and forgotten. They are in no way a match for Mikey's raw skill. The room is now a battlefield of chaos and defeat, the once-confident robbers reduced to disoriented and helpless victims.

As the dust settles, Mikey stands tall, his breathing steady and his eyes gleaming with triumph. The defeated group lies scattered around him, their attempts to challenge his authority utterly crushed.

With a final glance at the men on the ground, Mikey turns back to you, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. The weight of the situation lifts, replaced by a sense of relief for his quick help. In his presence, you can't help but feel protected, knowing that he is not just a force to be reckoned with, but like your guardian angel who will always be there to shield you from harm.

Mikey's concerned gaze meets yours as he asks, "Are you okay?"

You nod with a hint of lingering worry in your eyes. "Yes, but..." you begin, glancing towards the trembling store clerk.

Mikey turns his attention to the shaken employee and approaches him slowly, his voice gentle but firm. "Hey, it's alright. We're not here to hurt you. You did nothing wrong." The clerk's fear gradually fades, replaced by a glimmer of trust in Mikey's reassuring words.

Feeling a sense of responsibility, you bend down and pick up the wallet that belonged to the leader of the group. With a quick flick, it opens, revealing a wad of cash. Pulling out a note of 5,000 yen, you approach the clerk and offer it to him. "I'm sorry for the trouble."

The clerk's eyes widen in surprise and gratitude. He accepts the money with a trembling hand and utters a heartfelt thank you before quickly running to the safety of the store's back room.

Mikey's gaze softens as he looks at you. "It's time to go," he says. With a nod, you acknowledge his words, understanding that staying longer would only prolong the tension and potential danger.

You and Mikey quickly leave the convenience store, the rush of adrenaline still fading from your veins. As you walk away, a sense of relief washes over you, knowing that you have Mikey to lean on through whatever hardships lie ahead.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now