The Lion's Mouth

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My eyes open wide as my phone rings, piercing through the silence of the night. I reach over to my desk where I left my phone and groggily grab it. Reading the name "Kokonoi" on the screen, my heart begins to pound.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice tired. I can't believe he's calling me in the middle of the night now.

"Get your ass out of bed, Hakkai," Koko's voice rings through the phone. "I'm outside your place. We need to talk. Hurry up."

My heart skips a beat, a knot forming in my stomach. "What's going on? Why are you here so early?"

"Don't worry about it," Koko replies briskly. "Just get dressed and come outside. We'll talk when you're here."

After quickly pulling my shirt over my head I step outside, making sure to close the door softly behind me. The cool night air sends a shiver down my spine as I glance around, hoping not to disturb my sleeping sisters.

Suddenly, Koko's voice breaks the silence, causing me to jump in surprise. "Keep it down," I whisper urgently. "I can't risk waking them up!"

Koko chuckles dryly, his amusement tinged with an unsettling seriousness. "Waking them up should be the least of your worries, Hakkai," he retorts, his tone sending a chill down my spine.

Confusion creases my brow as I look at Koko, my unease growing. "Where are we going anyway?" I ask in a quiet voice.

Koko's gaze meets mine, his eyes filled with intensity. "We're headed to the Black Mire," he reveals.

"You mean the black market?" My heart skips a beat, and a sinking feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. "Why?" I manage to utter, my voice barely audible.

Koko remains focused on the road ahead, his grip on the motorcycle steady. "We're securing an item from one of the organizations there," he explains cryptically. "We have to do it without raising suspicion."

My mind races, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation. I know, without him telling me, that we're about to steal something from a dangerous criminal organization. Taiju's anger towards me must have reached dangerous levels for him to go to such extremes. I know that's the end of questioning Koko, I've just got to go and get this over with.

As the motorcycle hums beneath us, I hold on tight to Koko, the weight of the mission pressing down on me. The wind whips against my face, a chilling reminder of the perilous path that lies ahead.

By the time we arrive at the entrance of the black market, my whole body is tense with apprehension. Koko brings the motorcycle to a stop near the back of a small storage building, his voice breaking the silence as he hands me a ticket with a number.

"Remember, this is the item you need to secure and bring back here," he instructs, his tone devoid of empathy. I reluctantly take the ticket from his hand and nod in acknowledgment, my mind racing with questions and doubts.

As I approach the entrance, Koko's voice cuts through the air again, causing me to flinch. "The number you're looking for is on the cage," he states matter-of-factly.

Confusion washes over me. What kind of item requires a number on a cage? The thought of acquiring a new exotic pet for Taiju seems strange and unsettling, but I push those thoughts aside, knowing there's more to the situation than meets the eye.

Taking a deep breath, I step inside the dimly lit room, my eyes scanning the rows of cages that line the walls. My heart sinks as I realize the grim truth. The cages are filled not with animals, but with women and children. Their faces etched with fear and despair, their innocence stolen away.

Nausea churns in my stomach as I struggle to process the horrific sight before me. I fight to keep my composure, my hand instinctively covering my mouth to stifle the rising puke. The weight of the situation presses heavily on my conscience, fueling a burning desire to break the chains for every last person in here.

My eyes fixate on the number on my ticket, 4872. It feels like a meaningless number amidst the magnitude of suffering that surrounds me. How can I possibly save them all?

Amidst the despair, I finally find my target. A young woman, not much younger than myself, catches my attention. Her eyes, haunted yet resilient, meet mine. I approach her cage with a mixture of trepidation and determination.

"I'm going to get you out of here," whisper, my voice barely audible.

She shakes her head, her voice tinged with a painful acceptance. "I can't leave," she murmurs, her gaze filled with sadness and resignation. "I know the consequences for escapees. It's not safe for any of us."

My heart aches at her words, and a surge of frustration courses through me. The weight of their suffering feels suffocating, and I wish so badly to set them all free. But I also know the risks, the dangers of jeopardizing the mission and endangering even more lives.

"I just want to help, but I can't save all of you," I reply, my voice tinged with regret. "If I try to free everyone, we'll get caught. I need to be careful."

Before she can respond, the sound of approaching footsteps echoes through the hallway. Panic grips me, and I hold my breath, praying that we won't be discovered. As the door creaks open, my heart pounds in my chest, and I find myself face to face with Mitsuya. His presence both surprises and reassures me in this uncertain moment.

"What're you doing here, Hakkai?" he asks with a disappointed shake of his head.

But before I can respond, he reveals the truth—Y/N had placed a tracker on my phone, allowing him to locate me. Relief washes over me, knowing that she's still got my back.

"We've got to get out of here," Mitsuya urges, his voice urgent and determined.

"Yeah, but what about the girl? I can't just leave her here, but she doesn't want to go..." I then ask as I worriedly look over at her.

"Well, we can't force her to leave, but let's at least give her a chance. Koko will take care of her if we direct her to him."

Agreeing with his assessment, we release the girl from her cage, offering her directions to find Koko, who will ensure her safety and freedom.

"Trust us, you'll be in better hands with him than with these criminals," Mitsuya tells her as he reaches for a set of keys nearby and unlocks the crate.

Turning to Mitsuya, I understand that our mission has taken an unexpected turn. Instead of completing the original task, we now carry the weight of this disturbing revelation. Mitsuya suggests that we inform Mikey about what we have witnessed.

Silently, we exchange a knowing look. With the girl's freedom as motivation, we set forth on a different path—one that leads us back towards Mikey and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now