Tangled Paths

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After driving for what felt like hours upon hours, you arrive outside Taiju's fortress

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After driving for what felt like hours upon hours, you arrive outside Taiju's fortress. You carefully park the truck right outside, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. Then, as you step out, you notice Kazutora standing nearby, his gaze fixated on the truck and its precious cargo. A faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips, a rare expression of genuine admiration you hadn't seen in the longest time.

"Damn, you pulled it off," Kazutora says, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and respect. "I didn't think you had it in you."

You meet his gaze, a sense of accomplishment shining in your eyes. "Looks like I can handle myself after all."

His approving nod is all the validation you need. The realization that you've earned Kazutora's respect fuels your determination even further. You've proven your worth not just to Taiju but to someone from your past, a significant milestone on your journey to rebuild your life.

After that, Kazutora leads you inside to face Taiju. Anticipation builds up in your chest as he opens the huge doors. As you enter, his eyes widen with surprise, his face contorting into a mix of shock and disbelief. He lets out a short, disbelieving laugh.

"Ha! So you actually made it back," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I thought I sent you on a suicide mission but I guess you're tougher than I thought."

You meet his gaze, determined to show him your importance in the group. "I told you I could handle it. The shipment is here, safe and sound. All of it."

Taiju's laughter subsides, his expression shifting from skepticism to a grudging respect. He takes a step closer, his eyes scrutinizing you from head to toe.

"Well I'll be damned," he mutters under his breath. "You're something else, kid. I must admit I really didn't expect you to pull though. Consider me impressed."

As the shock wears off, Taiju's expression transforms into a sly smile. He extends his hand towards you, an offering of belonging.

"Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a new member," Taiju says, his voice filled with admiration and amusement. "You've proven your worth, kid. Welcome to the Black Dragon gang."

The room erupts in cheers and applause, the members celebrating your successful mission. Drinks flow freely, laughter fills the air, and a party comes to life. Amidst it all, you find yourself drawn to Hakkai.

You approach your younger brother, striking up a conversation as music begins to play in the background. "Hey there," you begin, extending your hand out as you approach him. "I'm Ryu. Just joined the gang today."

Hakkai's eyes meet yours, his gaze cool and calculating. He clasps your hand firmly, giving it a firm shake. "Nice to meet you, Ryu, but I already knew who you are. I mean, who doesn't?" he chuckles. "My name is Hakkai."

The two of you find a quieter corner amidst the festivities, seeking refuge from the noise. You engage in small talk, eager to learn more about why he joined the gang.

"So, Hakkai, what led you to join the Black Dragons?" you ask, curiosity coloring your words.

Hakkai's expression softens slightly, his eyes reflecting a hint of introspection. "Survival," he admits, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "I'm sure you already know but this city can chew you up and spit you out if you're not careful. The gang provides protection, a sense of family despite all the chaos."

You nod in understanding, appreciating the shared sentiment. The conversation flows naturally as Hakkai tells you stories you already know and you, in turn, choose each word carefully, revealing just enough to maintain the façade of a newcomer in the gang. Unbeknownst to Hakkai, the truth of your identity remains hidden beneath your carefully chosen words. You tread a delicate line between truth and deception, a necessary balance to safeguard your secrets, even from him.

A few moments later, the doors open again revealing new guests. Women that you recognize from your time living with Taiju, enter the room. You roll your eyes to yourself as Taiju's grin widens and he welcomes them with open arms.

"Not into girls?" Hakkai chuckles when he catches your reaction.

"What?!" you gasp at his unexpected comment. "No, of course I do, I just, uh, know one of them."

"Oh yeah?" he smirks. "Which one? Cause if it's her, she's off-limits."

You follow Hakkai's eyes to a woman with vibrant red hair flowing down her shoulders in loose waves. She wears a rather stylish outfit, her form-fitting black dress accentuating her curves. Catching Hakkai's gaze, she begins to approach him, her eyes shimmering with intrigue and her lips curving into a flirtatious smile.

Gracefully, she takes a seat beside Hakkai, crossing her legs and leaning in slightly, her body language conveying both confidence and interest. Something definitely happened between the two of them. However, Hakkai, although still his polite self, appears visibly uncomfortable. His usually calm demeanour falters in the face of such direct attention. His eyes dart around the room, his fingers fidgeting with the rim of his glass as he struggles to find the right words to say. Amidst this unfolding tension, there is a glimpse of something beneath the surface, a flicker of uncertainty that you haven't seen from him before, hinting at a complexity that surpasses a simple attraction.

You attempt to break the awkward moment by striking up a casual conversation with Hakkai about his family.

"So," you begin, your voice quiet, "tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings? Unfortunately, I don't know what it's like to have any siblings," you lie.

Hakkai's eyes light up with a glimmer of happiness. "I do," he responds, his voice filled with warmth. "I have two sisters who mean everything to me. We've always been incredibly close, no matter what."

A smile forms on your lips. "That must be nice. Having a connection with your family is a treasure."

Hakkai nods, his expression shifting to a touch of sadness. "It is. They have both been my pillars of support throughout my life. But," he trails off, "Taiju is my brother. We were once all close, but things strained our relationship and he forced them away."

Before the conversation can get any deeper, Taiju's loud voice cuts through the air, demanding Hakkai's attention. Hakkai offers you a regretful smile and excuses himself, leaving you in the company of the girl you had been eyeing you from beside his seat.

With a graceful introduction, she extends her hand, a spark of curiosity in his eyes. "Hey, I'm Maeve by the way. You look oddly familiar. Have we met before?"

You meet her gaze, briefly contemplating your response. "It's possible," you reply nonchalantly, masking the truth. "I get that a lot."

Then, with a rather rude fake smile, you get up and leave, unfortunately, making Meave even more curious about you.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now