Gang Rivalry

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As you and Mikey stroll along the busy streets, the midday sun casts a warm glow on the city. Construction work is in full swing, thanks to the funds you and Mikey raised through your fundraiser. Mikey wears a wide smile, satisfied with the change he's brought to the community.

As you reach the beach, the crashing of waves fills the air. Leaning against the stone wall, you both gaze out at the glistening water. Mikey lets out a contented sigh, his eyes filled with dreams and hope. "I want to keep making a difference here," he says, his voice filled with determination.

You admire his unwavering spirit and respond, "You've already done so much, Mikey. It's incredible to see how passionate you are about using everything you have for good."

Mikey's eyes light up with a spark of excitement. "Yeah, but there's still so much more we can do. We've helped with the construction, provided support to the local businesses, but there are other issues we can tackle. Like education, youth programs, creating a safer environment for everyone."

You chuckle and shake your head. "Yeah, well, that's the complete opposite of Taiju. He's all about power and control. But your group is different. You want to make a real impact." Curiosity suddenly sparks in your eyes. "Speaking of which, what did you have Hakkai do the other night? He's been unusually quiet."

Mikey raises an eyebrow, a confused glint in his eyes. "Oh, he didn't tell you? Apparently, Kokonoi had him go to the Black Mire and steal a woman."

"A woman?" you gasp. "Do you know who she is? Hakkai hasn't told me anything... he's been keeping to himself ever since then."

"No," he shakes his head, his expression growing serious. But before either of you can say more, your conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Mitsuya. He runs up to you, his voice laced with concern.

"Hey, guys, we've got some serious trouble. Apparently, Koko saw Hakkai and me together the other night, and it seems like he's turned us in to Taiju. The Black Dragons are planning a major attack on the Tokyo Manji Gang," Mitsuya reveals.

Mikey's eyes narrow with anger, his frustration evident. "Damn it, Taiju is such an asshole," he mutters under his breath. In a decisive move, he grabs your hand and tugs you back to the headquarters of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Inside, he calls for Draken, urgency in his voice as he explains the situation.

Once the three of you are sitting together in a room, Draken's voice is calm but stern as he addresses the situation. "Fighting won't align with the new image we're trying to establish. We need to find a different approach to resolve this conflict," he advises, understanding the importance of appearances and reputation.

"Well we damn sure need to do something about this," Mikey disagrees bluntly.

You find yourself agreeing with Draken's viewpoint, believing that Toman shouldn't resort to violence. However, Mikey's frustration gets the best of him, and he continues to disagree with both of you, insisting on confronting Taiju head-on. When the tension between you and Mikey reaches its peak, and in a moment of frustration, you decide to walk out.

Outside, you spot Takemichi and Hina, familiar faces that bring a sense of comfort. A warm smile spreads across your face as you approach them. "Hey, guys, how are you doing?" you ask genuinely.

"Can't complain," Takemichi grins as he looks over at his lovely girlfriend.

"Me neither," Hina replies happily. And in that moment, a light switch within you turns on.

"Hina, do you have a moment?" you then ask her rather quickly. However, before she can even open her mouth, you swiftly guide her away from Takemichi.

"What's going on, Y/N?" she asks as you find a more secluded spot in the building.

You turn to her, desperation evident in your eyes as you begin to explain to her everything with Taiju, Hakkai, and the Toman gang.

"I'm really sorry you're dealing with all of that, Y/N, but, uh, how can I help?" Hina asks honestly, her concern evident.

You take a moment to gather your thoughts, realizing that Hina's brother might hold a crucial role in resolving this situation. "Are you still close with Naoto?" you ask, hoping for a positive response.

Hina nods, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Yes, we're still in touch. Why?"

A sense of relief washes over you, and you explain your idea. "I think if he agrees to help, he could make everything a lot easier for Mikey and the others. We need all the support we can get."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Hina quickly grabs a pen and paper from a nearby desk, swiftly jotting down her brother's address. "Here, go now. He'll be home, and you can talk to him directly," she suggests, handing you the paper. "It's better than doing it over the phone."

Appreciating her quick action, you express your gratitude. "Thank you, Hina. I'll head there right away. I promise it'll make a big difference."

Hina hesitates for a moment, then asks if she should say anything to Takemichi about your plan. You shake your head, noting that maintaining the secret is crucial. "No, it's better if he doesn't know. If things look too clean and don't go down smoothly, it could worsen the situation for Toman in Taiju's eyes."

Understanding the importance of discretion, Hina nods in agreement. "I understand. Good luck, Y/N. Please take care," she says sincerely.

With a determined nod, you turn and start running toward Naoto's address, hoping that this unexpected alliance can turn the tide and protect the future of Toman.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now