Shibas' Hearts

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As the sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, you awaken in Mikey's embrace

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As the sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, you awaken in Mikey's embrace. The room emits an air of luxury, with elegant furnishings, soft hues, and large windows that bathe the space in natural light. The bed, covered with silky sheets and plush pillows, offers you more comfort than you've probably ever experienced. 

Mikey's arm tightens around you as he begins to wake up. His gaze meets yours, filled with warmth. "Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" he asks gently.

You nod as you pull yourself closer to him, feeling the reassuring beat of his heart against you. "Like a dream," you reply, a contented smile growing across your lips. 

As you lay beside him, your conversation flows effortlessly through a variety of different things. You talk about your hopes, dreams, and all the goals you have for your life. The air is filled with shared laughter, whispered promises, and the reassurance of your deepening connection.

Reluctantly, Mikey eventually suggests getting up. He informs you that the shower is just in the next room, allowing you a moment of privacy to freshen up. When you get there, the bathroom is spacious and decorated with modern fixtures.

After your shower, you follow the tempting aroma that wafts from the kitchen. There, you find Mikey preparing a breakfast. A bowl of steaming miso soup sits on the table, accompanied by a plate of freshly grilled fish and a bowl of fluffy white rice.

After taking in the mouthwatering sight of the breakfast, you can't help but express your surprise. "I didn't know you could cook," you remark, a mixture of curiosity and admiration in your voice.

Mikey chuckles softly. "I didn't for the longest time, 'til Draken taught me a thing or two," he reveals, a note of gratitude in his tone. "He's always got my back, and I owe him a lot."

With the dishes arranged before you, Mikey invites you to eat. The two of you then share a meal together, savoring the flavors and engaging in conversation. As you eat, the topic turns to the success of the fair the previous day and the impressive amount of funds raised.

"I can't believe how much we made," Mikey exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Your idea, Y/N, it really made a difference."

"Well, we all worked hard to make it happen," you reply modestly, your eyes meeting his in a moment of shared pride and affection.

As your conversation continues, a text notification suddenly interrupts you. Noticing that it is a message from your sister, you grab your phone to answer it.

"Shit," you curse under your breath as you read what she's said. You then look up at Mikey with concern clear in your eyes. "Yuzuha told Hakkai the truth about everything."

"You need to get you back to your house now," Mikey answers you. "You've got to explain everything to Hakkai before he gets even more upset."

After your agreeing nod, Mikey reaches for his phone and makes a call. Within moments, Mitsuya appears, ready to help. Mikey wastes no time in explaining the gravity of the situation. "Mitsuya, take Y/N to her house. It's urgent. Make sure she gets there quickly and safely." 

Grateful for their support, you express your gratitude to Mikey, and he bids you goodbye with a kiss.

The two of you then walk down and out of the building, Mitsuya's brows furrow in concern as he notices how unwell you look. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

Taking a deep breath, you meet his gaze and confess the truth. "My sister just told my brother the truth about everything, what I've been doing this whole time, and now I need to explain before things get worse."

Mitsuya's expression shifts from concern to understanding. He reaches out and places a hand on your shoulder. "I see. We'll get you there as fast as we can. Don't worry, I've got your back."

Grateful for his support, you thank him and Mitsuya hands you his spare helmet. As you secure it on your head, Mitsuya mounts his motorcycle and pats the backseat, gesturing for you to get on.

With a mix of anticipation and anxiety, you take your place behind Mitsuya, tightly holding onto his waist. The engine roars to life, and within seconds, you're racing through the streets, the wind rushing past you as you cling to the hope that you can mend the broken bonds with Hakkai and salvage what's left of your shattered trust.

As you arrive at your house, the adrenaline coursing through your veins makes you nearly jump off the motorcycle. You quickly thank Mitsuya and wave to him before opening the door to your home, scanning the area for your brother. However, he's nowhere to be found inside.

Stepping back outside, you look at Mitsuya, who points across the street. Your gaze follows his gesture, and there you see Hakkai, sitting on a bench with his hands on his head, lost in his own thoughts. Silently, you make your way over and sit down beside him, letting a few moments pass in silence.

Finally, you gather the courage to speak, your voice gentle yet filled with sincerity. "Hakkai, I need to explain everything. I really should have told you sooner but I didn't want you to get in even more trouble or be harmed. It was a really really hard decision, but I thought it was the best way to keep you safe."

Hakkai's eyes meet yours, filled with a mix of confusion and hurt. "Why didn't you trust me enough to handle it myself? Why didn't you come to me first?"

You take a deep breath, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't want you to face the consequences alone. I was scared, Hakkai, and I made a mistake. I should have trusted you more, and I'm really sorry."

Hakkai nods slowly, his anger beginning to disappear. "I get it," he nods, beginning to understand. "It was messed up but I can see why you did it. I just wish... I could have been the one trying to protect the two of you for once."

Relief washes over you as you begin to realize that the wound splitting you both apart can finally begin to heal. But then, curiosity tugs at him and he asks, "Why did you come with Mitsuya?"

You take a moment to collect your thoughts before you respond. "He offered to give me a ride. He's been really nice and I think he's staying to make sure everything is okay with us first."

Hakkai's eyebrows furrow in a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Oh yeah? I remember when we all lived with Taiju, I used to have such a thing for him."

A small smile creeps onto your face as you recall those days. "Really? You never told me that before. Well, maybe you should give it a shot if you're still interested. It's not too late."

Hakkai shrugs nonchalantly, his eyes glancing off to the side. "Eh, maybe. We'll see how things go with Mikey and Draken not wanting to kill me first."

As your conversation moves on to other things, a sense of relief settles over both of you. The tension begins to dissipate, and the forgiveness you've been waiting for is finally within reach. 

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