Threads of Fate

228 7 3

As you and Yuzuha quietly approach the front door, a sense of anticipation fills the air

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As you and Yuzuha quietly approach the front door, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The muffled voices of Hakkai and the man standing outside reach your ears, piquing your curiosity. Your eyes widen with recognition as you catch sight of the man's face.

Yuzuha whispers, her voice barely audible, "Who is that guy? And what's he doing here?"

You lean in a bit closer, your voice barely above a whisper as you say, "That's Kokonoi. He wasn't as relevant when we were around but I remember seeing him before I started going back. He's one of the guys who handles Taiju's money," you explain, a note of concern creeping into your voice. "This can't be good."

You both strain your ears, trying to catch fragments of the conversation unfolding before you.

Kokonoi's voice carries a sense of urgency as he says, "Hakkai, you know the deal. The money needs to be repaid. There's no more room for delays."

Hakkai's voice trembles as he replies, "I'm trying my best, Kokonoi. But it's not that simple... I need more time. You know I'm just trying to look out for my sisters."

"With stacks of cash hidden in his room, much help that's doing?" Yuzuha scoffs, to which you nudge her in the arm.

Kokonoi's tone grows sharper as he retorts, "Time is running out, Hakkai. You have until the end of the week, after that stupid Toman fundraiser. I won't accept any more excuses."

"Hey, isn't that the fundraiser you and Mikey are working on together to help the living conditions in the district? Man, he's cute but what an ass," Yuzuha then whispers to you.

You hardly hear your sister over the gravity of Hakkai's predicament.

Just as the conversation reaches its conclusion, Kokonoi grips the back of Hakkai's neck. "Enough of this. I came to get you for a meeting we've got to attend," Kokonoi states firmly.

Hakkai's voice wavers, his fear palpable. "I... I need to say goodbye to Yuzuha and Y/N," he stammers, desperation lacing his words.

Kokonoi's hand instinctively reaches for the gun holstered at his hip, a chilling reminder of the stakes involved. His voice grows colder as he threatens, "I can say goodbye for you. Now, let's go."

Hakkai's voice trembles with a mix of fear and resignation. "Never mind. I'm ready to go," he finally replies, surrendering to the forceful will of the Black Dragons.

As the door shuts behind Hakkai, you lock eyes with Yuzuha, and both of you share a silent understanding of the gravity of the situation.

The weight of the situation rests heavily upon your shoulders as you share your concerns with Yuzuha. The two of you come to the unanimous decision—talking to Mikey is the best course of action. With a shared determination, you make your way to the Toman hideout, seeking guidance from the one person you trust most.

{UNDERCOVER} Manjiro Sano x Fem!ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя