Chapter 18: Biyangdo Case

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Ryujin's POV:

Ever since Beomgyu left me with these 2, they had never stopped arguing, they are even arguing about the stupidest things like how a dog should wear its pants.

"No!! All the 4 legs should be in the pants!" Jeno reasoned with matching hand gestures as he glared at Jaemin, I was just sitting on my bed as I watched them argue, it was very amusing though.

"Listen, the two legs at the back is where the pants should be" Jaemin reasoned while caressing his forehead, he looked like he was starting to have a headache, I chuckled as I rubbed the back of his head since he was sitting on the hospital bed, his back facing me since he was really that immersed in this petty argument with Jeno.

"A dog stands on 4 legs so technically it should be the other way!" Jeno snapped back as he folded his arms, it seems like they forgot my existence and I honestly wouldn't mind because they're entertaining to watch.

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT! ONLY TWO LEGS FOR THE PANTS!!" Jaemin said and he even showed Jeno a bunch of pictures that he browsed through the internet to support his claim, but the look on Jeno's face was determined, and I know he's not backing down anytime soon.

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN ARGUING ABOUT THIS??! I'm the wolf, remember?" Jeno retorted sarcastically and his response did caught Jaemin off guard, the later had that annoyed reaction which then shifted to a curious look as he glanced at me first then he returned to look at Jeno.

"You have a point there? So you wore pants in your wolf form?" Jaemin asked, he was genuinely curious and his question made me burst into a laughing fit while Jeno obviously didn't see that question coming.

"No" Jeno said flatly while he looked so done with Jaemin who was now starting to pester him into wearing pants, just the thoughts of it was hilarious, I couldn't blame Jaemin on this one.

"I could tell Sungchan to make pants specifically fit for your size, it could work!" Jaemin said and he glanced at me like he was asking for support, meanwhile Jeno also gave me a look that was asking for help.

I just shrugged which made the two of them frown as they continued to argue like a bunch of kids.

(2 days later)

"Ryujin unnie! Welcome back!" The moment that I entered the room, Yuna was quick to approach me and she gave me a tight hug, I couldn't help but to smile and hug her back while the rest of my human friends also started to surround me.

I glanced at Jaemin who was holding my things and he gestured that he would put them on my desk first so I gave him a quick nod as I focused my attention back towards Yuna.

"Who in their right minds would eat expired food?" Seungmin said jokingly which made me glare at him while the others chuckled as he gave me a peace sign.

"Seriously Ryuddaeng, what in the world made you try to pull that kind of trick?" Donghyuck asked and he looked so amazed by my stupid decisions, which is something that I'm not surprised at all.

"Well if I did have a handsome boyfriend that would take care of me then I would do the same" Giselle said teasingly as she nudged my arm, wriggling her eyebrows as she kept on exchanging meaningful glances between me and Jaemin.

I glanced at Jaemin and I could clearly see that he was trying to hold the smile on his face as he was watching us.

After a while they finally let me off the hook and I went to my desk and I sat beside Jaemin who was watching my every move.

We were immersed in our own world, not minding whatever things our classmates were talking about, his cold hands reached for mine as he intertwined our hands, I smiled as I continued to listen attentively to what he was saying until he paused as he diverted his gaze away from me, towards someone behind me? I looked back and I was honestly stunned to see them here.

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