Akaki quickly fell asleep as her hand held onto the sword.


Meanwhile, you stood outside the blimp's main kitchen door as you ate a popsicle.

Yelling ensued inside the kitchen, muffled from where you stood however as the door opened with a chef holding both Gon and Killua by the back of their tops before dropping them.

"Stay out of the kitchen!"
The chef yelled before shutting the door.

Gon and Killua laughed, holding a leg of meat in their hands. You sighed.
"You idiots. You could've just eaten from the dining hall like me. At least there you also would've gotten dessert."

You waved the popsicle stick, having finished it.

The three of you walked down the corridor, Gon and Killua happily eating their food as you stared at your shoes.

The damage wasn't that bad, but it was stained terribly.

" Gon! Yasumi look! "
Killua moved to the window, pressing his hands against it as he looked at the lights with Gon beside him.

Rather than lean against the window, you sat on the benches in front of the window and watched the city lights.

"Wow! They're like jewels." Gon exclaimed.

Killua nodded,"Yeah!"

You chucked at them, leaning backwards on your hands.
"You guys are acting like kids who just got candy."

Killua turned to you, a look of annoyance on his face and was about to say something however he was interrupted by Gon.

"Hey Killua, Yasumi where's your mom and dad?"

You tilted your head, curious. What a weird question to ask.

Killua answered first, "Hmm... they're alive, probably."

You stared at him baffled, "Probably?"

"Don't interrupt me." Killua argued.

Gon questioned Killua, "What do your parents do?"

Killua replied nonchalantly, " They're assassins. "

Gon had a look of slight surprise on his face," Both of them? "

You on the other hand stared dumbfounded with you mouth agape at Killua before having a contemplating expression before nodding.

Killua laughed, "You two are riots! No, complete weirdos."

You got up, hitting him over the head before returning to your seat. "Aren't you the weirdo for hanging out with us?"

Killua stuck out his tougue. "Shut up idiot."

You rolled your eyes, watching as Gon and Killua moved to sit next to you.

Killua grinned, "I think you're the first people to react that way. "

You frowned, "What other people have you randomly told that your family are assassins?"

Killua ignored you, causing you to scoff as Gon spoke.
"Well you're telling the truth right?"

You stared at the popsicle stick in your hand, looking around for a nearby bin however none was nearby.

"What makes you think that?" Killua questioned.

Gon smiled, "It's just a hunch."
You smiled, patting him on the back. "Atta-boy Gon! You always gotta trust your gut."

Killua sighed, "That's weird."

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