Pretty Freckles ス若ヿ

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There will be sexual themes, strong language, and violence.

If you don't like smut don't read.

Don't report

+18 only pls

Now that's started let's have a fun time.

Dolorous 悦ヿノ

【 feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress.】


After some welcome-back hugs from the crew and an overly long hug from Sanji after he proceeded to kick Luffy in the face after Luffy decided to wrap around you like a snake and refused to let go until you said you missed him. Looking at the ship's deck seeing a huge duck and Vivi, she is prettier than you thought, smiling down at her and giving her a small wave with a wink.

"I see we have new crew members, did my Captin miss me?" You laugh and pinch Luffy's cheeks before giving him a pat on his head.

"Ouch ouch, I don't miss you anymore! Mean lady !" Luffy frowns with his now red cheeks from your pinches, I didn't know she was that strong, he stretches his arms out grabbing Vivi and Karoo to show them off like a kid showing their mom a drawing. "Quackkkkkk!" "Ack " Karoo screams as he is grabbed along with Vivi.

"Be easy with her !" Nami yells at Luffy before hitting him on the head with a newspaper.

"Hands off the lady, idiot " Sanji frowns before dragging Luffy six feet away. Zoro watches the scene with one eye open as he leans against the flag pole of the ship. Usopp just watches from afar with Chopper hiding behind the kitchen door watching the weird lady from before,

"Hi! My name is (Y/n) Violet (L/n), I'm kind of a wandering crew member. I come and go. ~ What brings you here? " Smiling with a deadly sweet grin with your hand in front of you, looking for a handshake from Vivi. " I'm Vivi and this is Karoo . " She smiles nervously as she puts her hand in yours shaking your hand but you tighten your grip. A frown forms on your face as she tries to pull her hand out of yours.

"I said what brings you here, it would be smart to answer my question. You shall not harm my crew . " You smile while whispering these words with malice making her shake a bit in fear.

"I'm here to take back my kingdom from Crocodile." She says with a nervous smile after you let go of your hand, refusing to make eye contact with you and backing away.

"Yeah! We are helping her! WAIT IS THAT SMOKE?" Luffy smiles before pointing at the smoke in the air "Maybe it's cotton candy !". Nami looks at the smoke before explaining the smoke " Oh ! Don't worry, it's nothing but steam ."

"Just steam, from the ocean ?!!" "What's that ?"

"It's where magma comes out. Down below us are underwater volcanoes." Nami explains Chopper comes out of hiding to ask Nami a question, making you giggle at Chopper's kidlike curiosity. "There are volcanoes underwater?" Nami answers him "Yes, there are many more volcanoes than on la-" Nami drones on like a science teacher making you go into daydreaming mode with a blank face.

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