Volume 1 - Ch. 2 Speculation

Start from the beginning

I think it's best to quickly go and put away my belongings.

If I go to the classroom, there should be some people of the same gender, and even though I'm not good at socializing, I should be able to make a few friends, right? With an optimistic mindset, I began to take action.

Well, it's not like me to be so lost in thought for so long, so I should just head to the classroom as soon as possible.

"I think you dropped this."

A voice came from behind me.

I reflexively turned around and almost kicked in response.

I do have some knowledge of martial arts. I'm confident in my physical abilities, and I believe I can win against an average guy in a fight.

And yet, I didn't notice the presence of the person behind me?

It sounds arrogant, but normally you would notice if someone was behind you.

Wait, isn't that my handkerchief that he's holding? Why does he have it?

I forcefully took back the handkerchief from the long-haired guy in front of me and immediately remembered. Didn't he say, "You dropped this"?

I was a bit flustered and not composed.

...If I continue like this, I'll come off as a rude girl. It's a bit late, but I should say thank you.

"...Thank you."

The long-haired guy didn't say anything and just slightly lowered his head.

Even though I'm saying this, isn't this guy too unsociable? He doesn't change his expression at all, and why is his hair like that? In a high school debut, it's normal to cut it!

And also, the fact that he's standing in this direction means...

"...Hey, are you in Class C?"


"I thought so."

To be in the same class as this guy... It's starting to make me feel uneasy. Well, it's just my inner thoughts, so I'm free to say whatever I want.

If he lets his hair grow that long, it's bound to attract attention, so I'm shifting the blame onto him.

But it would be weird if I didn't feel bothered by it.

Should I ask him? I have a feeling it would be rude not to ask since his hair is so long...

"Is there something on my face?"

Noticing my blatant attitude, the black-haired guy questioned.

For a moment, I flinched and then carefully responded so as not to turn it into an insult.

"...Aren't you a guy? That's why I was a little surprised by your unusually long hair."

Did I say it too straightforwardly? I inwardly flinch and wait for his response.

I'm not good at dealing with people... I can't handle situations where I have to be a bit more considerate.

"If I leave it alone, it ends up like this."

Ah, thank goodness he doesn't seem to mind. Wait, what do you mean by "leave it alone"? Cut it! At least for your high school debut! If I were in your position, I would have cut it immediately!

His nonchalant answer changed my mood to a strange tension.

"...Leaving it alone... It's annoying, isn't it? That hair."

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