...was. It is strange to use a past tense for something which was still relatively new.

"Lisa!" the blonde jumped when she heard Jennie's voice just outside her door, along with the shaking of the door handle following the sound of her name. "Lisa, please open the door. Please."

Jennie is a proud woman, it being the most obvious trait of the brunette; therefore, it always surprised Lisa whenever her voice would take a pleading tone to it. Lisa has only heard it a handful of times, but every time she heard it, it is as if her heart is being suffocated because she hated the idea of the brunette pleading and begging. Jennie was a strong, independent woman, she did not need to beg for anything. She has always been able to keep walking despite all the blows which have been dealt to her, and Lisa has always admired that about her, but as of late, she was simply too exhausted to do anything about it anymore. Or maybe it was rather internally she did not want to do anything anymore for the brunette, not after everything, not after that afternoon with the photo and the rest of the student body.

"Lisa please, please open the door." Jennie's voice was breaking, and she could hear the emotion behind the brunette's voice, but Lisa did not feel compelled to lift herself off her bed. She was just so tired. She had no desire to do anything, much less obey her ex who broke her heart in an even more painful way than before. "Lisa, I can explain everything. Today, I just-"

"Jennie I am not joking; you need to leave!" Rose's voice interrupted Jennie from saying anything further, the blonde's Australian accent kicking in and becoming more pronounced, which was an immediate tell that the blonde was fuming. "You have done enough already!"

"I need her to listen to me! I just-"

"Lisa doesn't need to do anything! Just leave her alone already, you have done more than enough damage!"

"I didn't do any damage! I was fixing us! I was making sure-"

"Stop giving me such half-assed excuses! We both know that you were not looking out for Lisa, you were just looking out for yourself! I don't care what you have to say, you need to leave!"

"Lisa, please listen to me!" Jennie's voice directed towards the Thai, the blonde turning her head to the door with little interest as she was directly addressed by the brunette outside her room. "I was protecting us! The things I said, I said them just to get everyone off our back! I was protecting us; I was protecting you! I promise that I-"

Jennie wasn't able to complete her sentence after she was suddenly ripped away from the door, another scuffling sound happening outside her room which involved from heavily Australian accented curses which would make a sailor salute in respect, along with some screeches from Jennie. The two female voices became distant from her room and was eventually followed by a loud door slam and a few more loud curses. Silence followed afterwards, it is becoming a daunting lullaby to the blonde as she sighed and turned her head back to its previous position, resting on her pillow while staring at her curtained window, the afternoon sunlight long gone. She didn't even move when she eventually heard a tentative knock at her bedroom door.

"Lisa?" Rose called out; her voice much softer than the harsh tone she had spoken with Jennie. "Can I come in?"

"...No." Lisa called out, internally wincing at the raspy sound of her voice which was the product of all the crying she had done.

"...Can I make you something? Food? Drink?"

"...I don't want anything." Lisa spoke back, her eyes suddenly feeling heavy as a new wave of exhaustion washed over her.

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