"but it's not enough, el." max rolled up her sleeves and showed it to her, revealing her faded white scars. "i don't wanna lose you, el,"

el's lip quivered as she breathed out. "you'll lose me one day. i can clean all the evils soon... i will,"

"el... you have to stop that. clean the evils and then remove yourself? that won't work. there's no such thing as the evils you say,"

"THERE IS! THEY DID US WRONG!" she shouted, pain filling her voice. "you don't get it, max,"

"i really don't, el. i don't get how you can just be so selfish and leave. have you thought about mike? about dante? who did so much for you,"

"you don't get to say that when you did the same thing to lucas," el whispered before standing. "i know what happened there, max. i know why you were in the room. i know why they locked you away,"

max stood up. "i'll own up to it. i tied the bedsheet around my neck in my room. i'll own up to it. can you, el?"

el stared at her as her chest rose up and down. "you're making me feel bad," she stated quietly. "very bad... i have issues, i know that. but i have been like this since forever... it won't change. removing evils makes me feel better."

"i'm not trying to make you feel bad, el! i'm trying to tell you that getting help can help you—"

"bye, max," el cut her off and turned away, gently blinking away her tears as she got up and walked out of the cafe.

she was happy max didn't follow her. she just wanted to be alone for now.

but she couldn't help it when her legs brought her into a pharmacy. when her hands reached out to find what she want.

when she left the store with what she needed.

el: i'm not coming home tonight. i want to be alone

dante: is something wrong? where are you?

el: nothing is. i just feel sad is all

el: i'm leaving the cafe

dante: i'll come find you

el: no i'm ok

el: heart just kinda hurts

dante: i need you to be honest with me. where are you going? what is going on?

el: i'm going to the small bridge across town because it's quiet

el: i'm fine

dante: call me

el: later

when she had arrived, she sat down by the bridge, looking down at the small lake before she rolled up her skirt to reveal her thighs.

"ring around the rosie... pocket full of posies," she dragged her knife along her skin as her blood began to spill, though she couldn't feel any pain yet.

she knew she had issues. she knew she needed help but she didn't think anyone out could help her.

no one would even understand her.

she dug through the bag and pulled out the small pill bottle, her eyes falling tiredly when she pressed the sharp edge deeper into her thigh.

she felt her hands weaken a little, her vision blurring for a second and she knew what was coming.

everything began to spin, her chest aching a little when her body fell to the side and her breathing evened.

it was sad to say that fainting was a usual for her. she knew she was too skinny.

SKYFALL ; MILEVEN AUWhere stories live. Discover now