Chapter 82: A Looming Thunderstorm

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Arc: The Uzumaki Clan

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto, please support the original work.


"Excuse me, sirs," he said, "may this gentleman gain your attention for a moment?" He said as a kind smile formed on his face.

"Huh? Who are you?" One of them said. "Yes, I thank you for your attention," Naruto ignored him and kept talking, though the eyes of the two gossiping men seemed to dull.

"Now, let's get over there so I can tell you about this amazing thing!" Naruto said and led the two hypnotized men to a private room, never to be seen again.

"What do you know about Konoha," Naruto asked when they were no longer visible to the public. His smile had long vanished like the fleeting breeze.

"A civil war erupted in Konoha after the snake sannin's attack. Since then, Jiraiya-sama has been trying to eradicate the rebel forces with no luck," the first person said. Seeing the second person not replying, Naruto took out a kunai and slit his throat.


He was using genjutsu to interrogate the two, so if they didn't speak, then it means that they didn't know anything.

"Since when did the toad sannin become the Hokage?" He inquired.

"Since the snake sannin's attack," the man replied.

"What about Tsunade... the slug sannin?"

"She is helping Jiraiya-sama," the man replied again.

"Who is Danzo's disciple?" Naruto asked, but the man remained silent. Naruto clicked his tongue and asked another question, "What do you know about Danzo's disciple?"

"Lord Danzo's disciple has golden blonde hair and blue eyes. It is rumored that he is the son of the Fourth Hokage and the grandson of the Second Hokage," the man answered, though Naruto's mind blanked at the reply he received.

"What the fuck?" Naruto cursed unwittingly as he began to ponder the answer. 'Rumors really do intend to escalate. Firstly, father had no second son so that's false. Secondly, the second hokage never married, so that's not possible either... unless he had a secret son or daughter,' Naruto narrowed his eyes.

'But the Senju clan isn't really known for their blue eyes, but it's not that far of a stretch.'

After finishing his line of thought, Naruto narrowed his eyes further. 'If he's the grandson of the Second Hokage, then this will be troublesome. Godfather will have to fight both physically and politically.'

After pondering for a good moment, Naruto asked the man, "Why is he the Second Hokage's grandson?"

It was a stupid question that could be answered with, "Because he is the son of the Second Hokage's son," or something similar. But when dealing with rumors...

"Because he is extremely skilled at Water Ninjutsu," the man answered, much to Naruto's relief.

'So that's it? Then Danzo's disciple shouldn't be the Second Hokage's grandson... at least, the chances of it being the case is lowered,' Naruto smirked. "What a gaudy propaganda."


After slitting the man's throat, Naruto stood up and sealed away the bodies and blood of the two men. 'Should I go to Konoha?' He was about to open the doorknob when he paused. His hand twitched, and a myriad of scenarios appeared in his mind like a plague.

'Can Godfather control the civil war? Will it be similar to Kirigakure? Is Godfather safe?'



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