9: The Villagers and the Fox

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Chapter 9: The Villagers and the Fox.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

"Wow, so cool~! You have so much chakra!"

Although he only had a vague idea of how much chakra a tailed beast possessed, Naruto was still amazed. Since tailed beasts have more chakra than any humans alive, he assumed that a tailed beast must have more chakra than a kage.

Since there were nine tailed-beasts, and the nine-tails have more chakra than the other eight combined, that must mean that at minimum, the nine-tails have as much chakra as nine kage! Especially considering the fact that a tailed beast's chakra must be higher than his guess, it makes the nine-tails more impressive!

As he was admiring the chakra powerhouse inside of him, Naruto suddenly had a thought.

"If you have so much chakra, how come you were defeated by the fourth hokage?"

Naruto tilted his head in wonder. Compared to the first hokage, no matter how much he idolized the fourth hokage, he simply didn't hold a candle against the legendary first hokage, not to mention that he came from a civilian family.

"Sigh... the problem lies with ninjutsu and other ninja techniques that you humans developed. We-tailed beasts are naturally different from humans. Similar to how a spider can produce silk but humans can't, and how humans can talk while spiders can't, the tailed beasts who are pure masses of chakra can't use the ninjutsu and other techniques that you humans invented."

The nine tails paused and reminisced about the old era when his father was still alive. Back then, ninjutsu wasn't a thing. Well, it was, but it wasn't as widespread as it is today.

"For example, if I try to use a Clone Jutsu, it wouldn't work because the Clone Jutsu is based on human anatomy and the chakra system of humans. Tailed beasts don't have a chakra system, nor do we have an anatomy similar to a human. We are simply massive lumps of chakra."

Hearing this, Naruto rubbed his chin in enlightenment, "So that's how it is."

But it seems that the nine-tails wasn't finished talking.

"Of course, over the centuries, we, tailed beasts, have invented our own ways to use our chakra. For example, I developed a technique to sense negative emotions when I was relatively young, and as we realized the need for self-defense and battle, we invented the Tailed Beast Bomb."

After the nine tails finished talking, Naruto was enlightened.

Before his talk with the nine-tailed fox, Naruto thought that as long as you had chakra, you could use ninjutsu. He never knew that the chakra of tailed beasts was different from human chakra.

'Well, I guess it should've been obvious that our chakra would be different. One is a human and one is a giant behemoth.'

As usual, the fox chuckled after hearing my thoughts.

"Okay, thank you, fox."

The nine tails didn't reply. Now that his conversation with the fox was over, Naruto realized that he was talking to himself inside his room. Of course, he could hear the nine tails' words and vice versa, but how weird would it be if someone saw him talking to himself?

He would be instantly labeled as crazy.

'I should develop the habit of thinking first before talking.'

His entire life, Naruto poured all of his emotions and thoughts into words as soon as he felt them or thought of them. But after removing the foreign chakra in his head, Naruto felt like he was liberated from a cage that was holding him back. The first major change was he learned to doubt other people's words and actions.

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