Chapter 10: Versatility of Fuuinjutsu

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Chapter 10: Versatility of Sealing Techniques.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading the story! Chapter 10 is the first milestone of the story, let's aim for chapter 20! As always, thank you for sharing your opinions in the reviews, I always read them and I get awesome ideas from them! ^-^

While humming a tune, Naruto arrived at a forest. The forest was inside Konoha walls, but it was fairly large. This forest was the opposite of the Forest of Death. It was located on the left side of the village and didn't have a name.

Although the forest wasn't deep and after a few hundred meters, you would see the walls, Naruto was satisfied with this forest. It was because he couldn't leave the village walls, so he had to make do with what he got.

Bending over a spot under a tree, Naruto channeled his chakra on the unsuspecting soil.


With a small cloud of smoke, a black bag appeared.


Picking it up, the sound of metal hitting against each other rang in his ears. Untying the bag, Naruto nodded as a dozen of kunai greeted him from inside the bag. Aside from the kunai knives, there was also a closed scroll inside the bag. Seeing that it was left untouched, Naruto didn't bother with it. He didn't even touch it, nor did he touch any of the dozen kunai.

Instead, he picked up the dozen kunai using chakra.

"Hmm, I should sharpen these after I'm done with my warm-up."

The reason why he didn't seize the kunai knives by hand was that it was connected to the unopened scroll. If he used chakra, the kunai's connection to the scroll would be severed and it would be safe to pick up. If he didn't use chakra, the scroll would activate, and he would be blown to bits.

The scroll was a giant explosive tag. "Giant" compared to normal explosive tags, anyway. The entire scroll had a modified formula of the Explosive Tag seal. He called it "Explosive Scroll Seal," pretty original. Its power is a hundred times deadlier than a normal explosive tag. If a kage were to carelessly open the scroll, unless they had a god-like physique, they would die.

'Too bad it takes weeks, or even months, to write the Explosive Scroll Seal, and the success rate of making one is not even 10%.'

Naruto sighed and closed the bag. Looking around, Naruto saw exactly a dozen of red dots drawn on the forest tree. Those red dots were another formula of seals that he invented. He called them "Target Seals." As its name suggests, it is meant for target practice.

After a kunai, senbon, shuriken, or other projectile hit the Target Seal, the target seal will release the multi-colored powder that Naruto prepared. The powder is mostly composed of sand.

Naruto counted the bee-sized red dots on the trees.

'Seven,' Naruto smiled. Only seven out of twelve Target Seals were visible, which means that the other five are hidden behind trees, rocks, or other obstacles around the forest.

Naruto jumped, seemingly flying several meters in the air. Then, as if possessed by a dancing spirit, his body twisted and turned mid-air, defying gravity.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Naruto released a dozen of kunai knives simultaneously. For one moment, it seems like none of the twelve kunai would hit the Target Seals, but as if a ghost was behind the kunai knives, all twelve kunai knives struck each other and changed direction.

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