Land of Whirlpools (8): History of the Uzumaki and the Space Barrier

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Chapter 22: Land of Whirlpools (8): History of the Uzumaki Clan and the Space Barrier.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

Shhrrk... shhrrk...

Yukito was barefoot, and each of his steps was slow. The grass beneath him slowly bent and by the time his feet touched the ground, they'd already snapped silently.

It's been a few days since he escaped from the crow, and he was now slowly mapping out the island. Since he didn't know where he was, he could only keep moving forward, not knowing that instead of out, he was walking deeper and deeper into the forest.

"What's that?"

Yukito whispered, his voice muffled and small like a mosquito. In front of him was a tall, cylindrical pillar made out of limestone. The pillar was at least five times taller than him, meaning that it was at least 25ft tall, or seven and a half meters.

"Is it from the Uzumaki clan?"

Yukito mused as he approached the pillar.

The pillar was rough to the touch, and its surface had many deep cracks. If he ignored the cracks and the chipped parts of the pillar, he could make out a rippling pattern in the middle of the pillar that covered the whole thing. It made him wonder if it was supposed to be the symbol of the Uzumaki, but the pattern on the pillar was a bit different.

The pattern consisted of many circles. At the circle was a big dot, and a circle surrounded it. Then, a bigger circle surrounded that circle, and so on and so forth.

When Yukito squinted his eyes, he realized that the pillar had ink stains.

"Does this thing have a purpose?"

Yukito looked around, trying to see if there were any other similar pillars around. When he found none, Yukito decided to travel further into the forest to see if he could stumble across another pillar.

Yukito walked with caution, each step he took was carefully planned out, acting like if he makes a mistake, a thunderbolt would strike him. While walking, Yukito made sure to stretch his chakra sensing to the maximum, so he could sense everything within a 200-meter radius around him.

'Fox, are you there?'

Another odd thing about the land of whirlpools is that he couldn't communicate with the nine-tailed fox. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't enter his mindscape, which was the reason the fox couldn't help him at all.

'Still not there... I never thought I'd miss all the insults you throw at me, you damned fox.'

Yukito cursed as he looked around.

The forest was a never-ending labyrinth. In the gaps between two trees, all he could see was another tree, and if that tree wasn't thick enough to block his view, then further away would just be another tree. The trees inside the land of whirlpools were far sturdier, thicker, and taller than the trees in the land of fire.

'If you bundle together five trees in the land of fire, then that would be the equivalent of one tree in here.'

Feeling that his knees and legs had gone numb, Yukito decided to rest and went to the nearest tree for shade. Yukito crouched, carefully taking out a scroll from the cloud scroll and laying it on the ground. It was an explosive scroll.

'Alright, let's see if this works.'

Yukito's hand hovered above the explosive scroll, using his chakra to carefully modify the scroll from the outside. This was a technique he practiced over the past month when he was imprisoned in the crow's cave. He trained when the crow was absent.

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