75: Karin's Desire

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Chapter 75: Karin's Desire

Arc: The Uzumaki Clan

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto, please support the original work.


After opening the trapdoor, Gaara noticed a faint sealing tag at the back of the trapdoor. 'So that's how it looks so seamless,' he thought as he led his siblings inside. He'd already made sure that Orochimaru was away to avoid another confrontation with the snake.

"Kankura, get your puppets ready," Gaara commanded, "Temari, your fan." With Gaara's instructions, the two became alert as Gaara spread out his sand throughout the hideout.

The walls, ceiling, and floor got covered in a thin layer of sand, though it was so faint that if you didn't squint, you wouldn't notice a thing. 'Luckily, the hideout isn't some pristine lab,' Gaara thought as he processed the "map" he'd been able to draw in his mind with the help of his sand.

"Let's go. I located the Uzumaki," Gaara whispered as a sand platform formed below their feet. Soon, the sand siblings found themselves floating with the help of a sand platform.

As they silently crossed the winding paths of the hideout, Temari and Kankuro couldn't help but wonder what the hideout was made for. Along the way, they didn't see any equipment or tool and were only greeted by endless rocky walls.

"We're... here," Gaara muttered as they came to a halt. Temari and Kankuro looked ahead and saw a woman with her arms crossed. She was wearing round eyeglasses, a simple dark-green shirt, and dark shinobi pants.

Her red hair was a bit wet from sweat, and her clothes slightly clung to her skin, but her face was as dry as it could get. Kankuro looked down and saw a towel beside the red-haired woman. 'I swear, girls are strange,' he thought before the woman in front of them spoke up.

"What are you three doing here? I sensed you from before," the girl, Karin, said as she looked at Gaara. "Yes, you have. We came with no ill intent," Gaara said and Karin scoffed.

"Of course, you didn't. If you did, do you think I would've let you in?" Karin snickered as she flicked her hand and a sealing tag appeared. She slapped the tag on herself and the group watched as her sweat vanished like it was never there.

"Tsk, answer my question. What are you doing here? What do you want?" Karin inquired.

Gaara looked at the sealing tag for a moment before he carefully took out a scroll. Karin looked at him skeptically before she took the scroll in his hand. "What's this?" She asked as she unrolled the unsuspecting scroll.

The scroll read—"If you are reading this, then you are an Uzumaki. At the very least, you have Uzumaki blood. This is a blood scroll, and only Uzumaki can read it."

After reading the first paragraph, Karin squinted her eyes and looked at Gaara. "Read the first paragraph," she said. She could sense lies from a mile away. She wasn't worried about Gaara deceiving him.

Even if he tried to, she had other means to expose the truth.

Gaara didn't object and followed along. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I am from the Uzumaki clan. If you are reading this, then my subordinates..."

"Okay, stop," Karin raised her eyebrow. What Gaara narrated just now was a bit similar to the real text, but Karin didn't care and kept reading—"After reading the first paragraph, there's a large chance that you told others to read the first..."

Karin chuckled, "How cheeky," before ignoring the boastful second paragraph. "I'd like to invite you back into the land of whirlpools, our ancestral home. If you are doubtful of my abilities, then let me tell you that you are worrying for nothing. I will be coming to personally meet you, wait for me. It's nice to have you, fellow Uzumaki."

After finishing reading the scroll, Karin narrowed her eyes in contemplation before nodding her head. "I'm not the only Uzumaki here. Follow me, I found another Uzumaki while I was on a mission," she said as she turned to walk deeper into the hideout.

Gaara and his siblings followed her when they encountered a fork road. Karin didn't seem to hesitate as she went to the left. After following Karin for a few more minutes, Gaara and his siblings finally realized that they were inside a maze.

To avoid being misled, Gaara had silently left a sand trail with his chakra.

Karin naturally sensed it, but she couldn't care less. She didn't fully trust the trio yet, so why should the trio trust her?

After walking for another ten minutes, Karin finally halted and crouched down. Then, she revealed a sealing tag and tore it off. "Here he is," she said as a glow appeared in the dark and eerie maze. A few moments later, a young boy appeared. Like Karin, he had red hair and he looked healthy, aside from the ragged clothes that he wore.

Karin sighed upon seeing the boy.

She had started a plan against Orochimaru, and the boy was the first step in her plan. She had found another four Uzumaki aside from the boy... though the problem was, they were all children.

'God-fuck my shit luck,' she cursed.

She hated Orochimaru, who acted as her savior. Though, despite "saving" her, Orochimaru would do live, human experiments on her whenever he had the time.

Karin could still remember how Orochimaru skinned her alive just to write a sealing formula inside of her body. The sealing formula was meant to stimulate her potential at fuinjutsu after she seemed to be "poor" at the art.

In reality, she was never bad in fuinjutsu. She wasn't a genius either, but she could learn any fuinjutsu you give her. Though, she hid it from Orochimaru since his first human experiment with her.

'What bullcrap. If I had shown my worth, that damned snake would be wearing my skin right now, disgusting,' Karin shivered internally before going to wake up the sleeping boy. When the boy woke up, he was happy to see Karin and was confused to see the sand trio.

"Alright, let's leave," Gaara said when Karin grabbed his shoulder. "No. We'll stay here. I'll re-seal the boy back into the seal. Orochimaru has arrived," Karin said. Gaara furrowed his brow and tried to sense his sand at the beginning of the hideout and found that Orochimaru was toying with them.

Gaara paused for a moment before looking at Karin.

"Let's pretend to be fighting," Gaara said.


Karin didn't hesitate to punch Gaara in the face, though his sand protected him from the strike. Kankuro and Temari backed off, not intending to join the fake battle.

"RAAA!" With a battle cry, Karin rushed at Gaara and jumped. Then, she slammed her fists into Gaara's sand.

"Hmm," Gaara hummed when he felt his sand giving in to Karin's punch. He was about to attack Karin with a light sand wave when his ears heard a familiar sound.


The sounds of chains reverberated throughout the maze as pale, yellow chains appeared from Karin's back to wrap around Gaara. Gaara's sand armor went to work, but Karin simply lifted him up and threw him to the wall.

"That's enough," Karin said as she formed a few hand seals. At the end of the hand seals, she suddenly slumped into the ground, unconscious.

Gaara looked around and saw that the young boy from before had also been sealed back into the seal. He was about to leave with his siblings when he heard a voice inside his head.

"This is me," Karin said inside Gaara's mind, "This is my consciousness and I'll disappear when I wake up. For now, I'll help you with your fight against Orochimaru. I want you to fuck him up."


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