81: Dangerous Gossip

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Arc: The Uzumaki Clan

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto, please support the original work.


If that were true, then a certain blonde bomb maniac would worship him.


Soil and rock fell like rain with dust acting as fog. At the edge of this "earth rain" were three people wearing black cloaks with red clouds. One of them had blue skin and shark-like teeth as he grinned. Another one of them had long, black hair and wore an impassive expression as he had his eyes closed. The last one had red sclerae and pupil-less, green irides and he had a scowl on his face.

"So annoying," the last one mumbled. When Naruto dropped ten scrolls, he would've died if not for Itachi warning them to stop. Kisame stopped instantly, but Kakuzu slowed down before stopping, putting him in front of the two.

When the scrolls exploded, he was in the range of the blast and nearly lost all his hearts.

'Thankfully, I reacted swiftly,' Kakuzu thought, 'Otherwise I'd say goodbye to this cruel world.'

After the explosions died down, they all regrouped and waited for the debris to fall. They could go around it, but no one mentioned doing so.

They all didn't want to chase after someone who could casually blow up a country, or in this case, a sizable part of the plains they were in.


When Kakuzu heard someone breathing out a sigh, he turned his head to see Itachi shaking his head. "What's the matter?" Kakuzu asked.

"Nothing," Itachi replied, though he was chuckling inside his mind. 'That kid did it again,' he smirked internally. He heard many tales of Naruto blowing things up, and the best example was how he blew up Danzo's hideout.

Starting that day, Itachi began to secretly admire Naruto for his bravery and boldness.

'Even I won't dare, nor will I be able to deal such a blow to Danzo,' Itachi thought, 'unless, of course, I use my mangekyou sharingan. Naruto Uzumaki, you're one destructive ninja.'

Upon finishing his line of thought, Itachi was reminded of a blonde in the Akatsuki. 'I wonder who can cause more destruction between Naruto and Deidara,' Itachi mused.

As he was lost in thought, a flash of white passed by the three of them.


Itachi became alert when he saw hundreds of white butterflies enveloping them, but when he saw that they were all made of paper, he dropped his guard. At least, he made it appear that way.

Meanwhile, Kisame had a smirk and Kakuzu's scowl became deeper.

The butterflies soon covered the entire area and flowers of paper bloomed from the ground and a figure manifested in front of them, radiating the aura of purity and innocence. Though, his eyes were dull and empty, similar to the monotone whiteness around her.

"Took you long enough," Kakuzu said in a dissatisfied tone.


The sun had just risen above the world and in a village jam-packed with people, a group of thirteen made their way through the streets. They all wore cloth facemasks and a hood covering their heads as they walked in the stone pathway.

"Hey, this seems like a good place to eat," one of them said. The person had a pair of vibrant lavender eyes and a bright smile. He was talking to the only five children in the group. Well, not counting Shinobi. "Ramen? What is ramen?" The tallest child asked.

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