Chapter 13: Orochimaru's Visit

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Chapter 13: Orochimaru's Visit.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

Author's Note: Do you like long chapters like this? I'll be publishing chapters like this from now on. Each chapter will be around 4k+ words, although the upload schedule will slow down...
*A lot of you are asking about Naruto's character and what he plans to do in the future, I used the next chapter to answer those questions without breaking too much of the fourth wall. (0 w 0) Look forward to the next chapter, it'll be spi-cy!
*This chapter was originally 3 separate chapters, but I felt that the pacing was too slow so I ended up merging them together. I scrapped around five to six chapters because, wow, the story became wonky after chapter 15 (LOL).

Shaking his head, Naruto took over his body and looked around. After locating the bodies of the two jonins, Naruto took out a scroll and stored their bodies inside. Even if one has a missing head and the other only has half of its body left, they were still good research materials.

They were jonin, after all, he could use their bodies to research unorthodox fuuinjutsu.

For example, he had the idea of sucking other people's chakra and making it his own. He had this idea when he was just four years old, specifically when he removed the foreign chakra from his head.

Another idea he had was creating zombie puppets with the help of fuuinjutsu. Imagine having an army of zombies that can use chakra, and they wouldn't die unless you seal them away or destroy their entire body.

When he returned to his apartment, Naruto took out the two jonins' bodies and washed them using clean water. Then, he wrote a seal on the chest of the jonin with a missing head, and on the leg of the other jonin whose upper body was missing, specifically, everything above his waist was burnt to ashes.

"Fuuin: Preservation Seal."

After activating the seal with chakra, the bodies of the two jonins were covered in lines of complex seal symbols.

The Preservation Seal is a commonly used sealing technique to preserve food for a long time, but it can be used to preserve other things too as long as it wasn't alive. Almost every Storage Seal has a Preservation Seal incorporated inside of it.

"With this, I can create new ways to use seals."

Being a fuuinjutsu expert was similar to being a scientist. There was a lot of testing involved, and there were more failures than successes. That was why he collected every "research material" he could find. He found it ironic that he had a similar obsession to Orochimaru, his father's rival when it came to the thirst for knowledge.

While Naruto studied the corpses, Orochimaru was studying the cells of Uzumaki Karin. He then frowned.

"Why is this... wrong? An Uzumaki should have high vitality, but the vitality of Karin's cells is similar to a regular civilian. Is it because her father is not an Uzumaki? Or is it something else? No, she has the 'Heal Bite,' her vitality should be off the charts, yet..."

Orochimaru mused. He was so obsessed with the Uchiha's sharingan that he barely looked at any other bloodline, but now, he was regretting that decision.

"Too bad, Karin's chakra system had already matured. Wait, maybe that's the reason her cells don't have as much vitality as the average Uzumaki!"

Once a person's chakra system matures, it'll be difficult for a ninja to improve their skills such as ninjutsu and genjutsu. Even their chakra levels would begin to plateau. In other words, it was like switching from easy mode to hard mode.

"Uzumaki Naruto's body just gets more and more appetizing to look at. Once I have him, I'll study his body to my heart's desire! Fu-fu-fu."

Karin's chakra system matured too early and thus, was no longer interesting in Orochimaru's eyes. Apart from Itachi's body, only Naruto's body interested him.

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