4: Hidden Dangers Inside and Outside

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Chapter 4: Hidden Dangers Inside and Outside.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

Shhhhh! The water poured over Naruto's right hand, carrying with it the blood that flowed from the thumb-sized, circular wound on his palm.

'Oww! It hurts!' Thankfully, the wound was shallow, so the pain was less.


Popping the lid off the red box with a white cross drawn in the middle, Naruto took out a white bandage and wrapped it around his hand to avoid dirt getting on the fresh wound. After the bandage was wrapped firmly in his palm, Naruto sighed in relief.

He had no idea that it was possible to injure yourself using your own chakra, but he should've expected it. Chakra was the fuel for ninjutsu that ninjas used, it made sense that there would be danger in handling it carelessly.

'The next time I go to the library, I'll look for books that explain the dangers of handling chakra,' Naruto thought. He was annoyed that the books he read before, "The Origins of Chakra" and "Chakra and its Uses," didn't warn him about the dangers when doing chakra control exercises.

After making sure that the wound on his palm was no longer bleeding, Naruto sat on the carpet he laid on the floor. Cupping his hand on his chin, Naruto thought of the reasons why he injured himself.

'Perhaps my body is still not used to releasing so much chakra at once, hence the thumb-sized wound where I released the chakra. Then, the solution is simple. I just have to slowly increase my chakra output, instead of releasing it all at once. That way, not only will my body get used to releasing chakra, I would also know when to stop and avoid injuring myself... But what if that's not the case?'

Closing his eyes, Naruto moved his chakra into his left palm. 'I guess I'll find out...'

This time, instead of releasing massive amounts of chakra at once, he let out a steady flow of chakra, slowly increasing his chakra output every second.


Feeling a breeze pass by, Naruto opened his eyes and a smile bloomed on his face. 'Finally, it worked!'

On his palm, there was a gathering of blue chakra. The chakra covered his entire palm, jumping up and down as if it were boiling water. Frowning, Naruto moved his hand to the side.


The moment his hand moved even a bit, the chakra on his palm dispersed and his hand went numb. 'Is the chakra unstable?' He thought.

Gritting his teeth, Naruto once again released a steady flow of chakra like before. This time, he didn't close his eyes. As chakra covered his palm, Naruto's eyes shined and his excitement bubbled. 'Can I add more chakra?'

Thinking so, Naruto increased his chakra output.


As the chakra output got stronger, the chakra on his palm began to shake and spike, but it didn't expand. His forehead was covered in sweat, but he didn't bother wiping it away and focused only on maintaining the chakra on his palm.

However, no matter how much chakra he added, the volume of the chakra on his palm remained the same. Rather, every time more chakra was added, it would disperse into the air with a sizzling sound like water evaporating as it touches a hot surface.

'It's getting hot...'

As he increased the chakra output, the chakra on his palm began to heat up and his hand felt like it was holding fire. "Siii—!" Taking a deep breath, Naruto endured the pain and maintained the chakra on his palm, instead of letting it disperse.

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