Land of Whirlpools (7): Trapped Inside the Forest.

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Chapter 21: Land of Whirlpools (7): Trapped Inside the Forest.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

The ocean breeze was cold and humid, but the air on the beach could burn the skin. Golden sparks flew off a long, golden, fire dragon like a sparkler as it flew around the air, twisting and turning at sharp angles like it had no spine. Its face was fierce like a demon, and its eyes were red, glaring at the black-feathered bird in front of it.



When the fire dragon charged toward it, the bird of prey turned with a flap of its wings, the blazing teeth of the golden dragon grazing its obsidian feathers.

The golden dragon didn't stop, turning its head to spit out a torrent of golden inferno, intending to roast the crow into dust.


The crow looked back, its eyes glimmering as it watched the pillar of fire rapidly approach it. When the flames were one inch away from its tail feathers, the crow raised its wings and push heavily downward, abruptly shooting up, letting the pillar of flames pass by it without doing any harm.

After missing its target for the second time, the golden dragon trembled, its fiery scales burning tall like a tree and bright like the sun.


The dragon roared, charging at the crow whose head wasn't even turned toward it. The crow's attention wasn't on the dragon but on the master of the dragon.



When the crow turned into a blur, Yukito dispelled the golden fire dragon and channeled chakra into his chest.



The crow's talon and the adamantine sealing chains clashed, forcing the crow to retreat into the air. Yukito didn't hesitate to create another golden fire dragon wrapped in sealing chains when he saw the crow fly into the air.



Seeing another dragon appear, the crow flapped its wings madly and cried, glaring at the golden dragon who glared back. Then, the crow glanced at Yukito, who was now kneeling on the ground and dove toward him like an arrow, completely ignoring the golden dragon.

"So fast-"


Yukito yelled out before disappearing in a puff of smoke, replaced by a log.



The crow didn't stop, reaching out with its beak, and pecked at the center of the log, shredding it in an instant. The golden fire dragon behind it used its remaining time to charge at the crow, while its body slowly disintegrated. Meanwhile, the chains on the golden dragon fell toward the crow.



When the heavy, adamantine sealing chains landed on the crow, it cried out in shock and fluttered its wings, creating massive gusts of wind. With its strong body and wings, it didn't take the crow three seconds before it shook off the sealing chains on its back.


With the sealing chains out of its back, the crow circled around the area for a long time. When it didn't find Yukito, it cried out in anger and ravaged the wooden log with its beak and talons, before flying back into the forest.

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