S5: Go!

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Opening shot: Earth, seen from far away in outer space. The camera tilts down through the starry vastness and stops on a rather unpleasant-looking red spaceship out for a cruise. Its fuselage is in the shape of a large rounded disc, with a narrow spindle topped by a circular projection standing dead center on the upper surface; the bridge. Several spikes extend from the diameter on either side, while two larger ones point straight ahead to flank the main gun.

Cut to a closed steel door inside and zoom in slightly to the sound of a drawn-out, muffled, blood-curdling scream. It opens to expose a corridor, along which two winged reptilian humanoids with long tails march into view away from the camera.

Each is armed with a long spear; cut to a profile of the pair as they advance into view and pan to follow them. The scream has trailed off into a feral growl and the pounding of distant fists against a wall, and the two creatures continue their patrol. They bear a distinct resemblance to Trident, though their coloration and facial features are somewhat different and their eyes are totally red.

Behind them, we can see three glass-fronted holding cells that contain one familiar face each. In the first is a beast who looks very much like Plasmus' original, two-eyed form; the second is home to the roaring space creature that drove the Titans crazy in "Stranded"; and the third pens in a Locrix, one of the aliens Val-Yor pledged to wipe out in "Troq." The two guards are Gordanians; recall that Starfire mentioned their attacks on Tamaran at the start of "Sisters."

Now they approach the closed door at the far end of the corridor, which opens to reveal two more posted at a steel-fronted cell with spears crossed. The screams come louder and more intense now; close-up of the door, being pounded hard enough to shake the camera. The very angry occupant is locked behind it, and only a small window slot allows visual contact between the two sides. Cut to a pan across the four Gordanians, now all standing at the ready.

Gordanian 1: The door will hold?

Gordanian 2: It must!

More hollering and banging.

Gordanian 3: The alien will be delivered on schedule. Lord Trogaar has commanded it.

Close-up of the slot, zooming in slightly as the door tries to do the mambo; back to the four.

Gordanian 4: And if this thing gets loose?

Gordanian 1: Then Zorg help us all.

Extreme close-up of the slot; another piercing scream, the glass cracks, and two burning green eyes rise into view behind it. The guards take a few steps back, bracing themselves for anything and everything, and they get it when one last yell rings out and the door blows outward off its hinges. Close-up of the steel panel as it crashes to the deck, then tilt up to the stunned foursome and cut back to the open door. The camera zooms in very slowly on the total blackness within the cell; after a very long second or two, the eyes blaze up again and their owner steps out into the light on the start of the next line.

The voice and hair mark her as Koriand'r, but a vastly different one from the sweet-natured girl we know. One, she is dressed in the same fashion as her sister Blackfire; black clothing, armored undergarments, metal-colored accents. Two, she wears a face-framing crown similar to the one she was given to wear to her wedding in "Betrothed." Three, her hands and forearms are encased in thick, rigid cuffs connected at both ends. And four, well, let's just say she is going to blow her top any second.

Koriand'r: Zengtha ru maka! Kek zengtha ror!

She lunges at the camera. Snap to black when her eyes fill the screen.

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