S4: The Quest

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We open to the interior of a shop stocked with Oriental artifacts and weapons. The place is dark and quiet, and the night sky can be seen through the windows as the camera pans slowly to one wall. A broad-chested, shaven-headed man stands here, clad in fighting garb with a high wing collar, and regards a long metal staff that rests lengthwise on a desk. This is Katarou.

Katarou: Finally, it is mine.

He turns to leave, the camera panning to follow him and bring Mason into view. The Titan has slipped in and is ready for a kung-fu throwdown.

Mason: Tell me something Katarou, did my mother send you?

Katarou: Mason Wu-San... the League of Assassins' traitorous devil.

Mason: You didn't answer my question baldie.

Katarou: And what if she did?

A few slow steps bring the intruder within easy reach of a table on which a vase sits, and a swing of his leg sends the crockery flying at Mason. It is then tossed into the air as the ninja dodges Katarou's staff strikes; he catches it safely, but immediately has to dodge a roundhouse that smashes the inventory behind him.

Cut to outside the store; more commotion is heard within, and a table is flung out through the plate-glass window. Katarou jumps after it and gets moving, while inside, Mason is still trying to keep that vase from smashing on the floor tiles.

Outside again; Katarou runs down the block, Mason comes out after him, and the chase veers into an alley. As the teen brings out his fighting staff, the giant brandishes the one he has just swiped. The two spar a bit before Katarou gets Mason off balance and forces him back toward a Dumpster.

An instant later, the young hero is twirling his weapon and ready to go again, but Katarou just backs up slightly, throws a mocking half-smile as his staff gleams, and gets set to move in. Cut briefly to an overhead shot of the pair in the alley, then back to the bald burglar.

Katarou: You think you can stop me?

Mason: I know I can!

He yells and rushes in, but Katarou nimbly springs back and forth to work his way up the building walls that face each other. Mason stares dumbfounded at the man's aerial grace, then whips out a grappling hook and fires it toward the roof.

At that level, Katarou climbs up and sets off running, but Mason is not too far behind, hauling himself to the eaves and jumping from one rooftop to the next. The race ranges all over the block before the muscular martial artist drops to a lower awning and brings his staff up to block Mason's jumping attack. On the next line, cut to a close-up of Katarou and pan slowly toward Mason.

Katarou: It is only fair to warn you that I have trained with the best. Including your mother.

Cut to Mason, panning the other way.

Mason: It's only fair to warn you, so have I. Including the Demon's Head.

Katarou: You are very confident Wu San. Too confident.

He sets his staff aside.

Katarou: Since we are both honorable fighters, I shall offer you a deal. If I cannot defeat you in three moves, I shall surrender.

Mason: You can have fifty moves, and I'll still defeat you.

They step back and bow, whereupon Mason dashes in for a punch, but he is put off track by Katarou's meaty hand locking around his wrist and a foot in the gut that shoves him back.

Mason: I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that!

He charges again.

Katarou: So will you!

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