S3: Deception

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the lobby of a bank at night. The place sits in quiet darkness, but the calm is broken when an alarm and red warning lights go off. Zoom in on the far end of the room, where the vault stands open; cut to inside and pan slightly to the stacks of gold bullion stored there.

Mammoth, one of the three H.I.V.E. Academy graduates who took on the Titans in "Final Exam," strains to move one pallet as his fellow classmate Jinx walks into view. Her wrists and neck loaded with gold chains and bracelets, she eyes a large jewel in one hand. Gizmo, the third member of the team, flies in using his jet pack; a sack of loot is slung over his shoulder.

Gizmo: Move it, slug-crunchers! We're running outta time!

Close-up of Mammoth; he finally stops for breath.

Mammoth: I could use a hand here!

Cyborg: How 'bout a foot?

The oversized thief looks off toward the vault door; cut to a close-up of Cyborg's swinging foot and pull back as he pastes it across Mammoth's chin. He is propelled the full length of the room to crash into the far wall; after he hits it, pull back to show Gizmo and Jinx looking his way, then at the camera. Cut to behind them and zoom in on the open door: the Titans stand ready, and the view dissolves to a close-up of the six. Robin brings his fighting staff up for a twirl.

Robin: Titans! Go!

They charge. As Jinx and Mammoth move in, the former dropping her stolen jewelry, Gizmo just hangs grinning in the air. Close-up of his chest control panel; he presses a button, and the camera pulls back to frame several holographic doubles appearing around him. They fly in all directions, dodging attacks from Robin, Mason and Starfire, and the leader swings his staff up only to see it swish through one of the duplicates.

Beast Boy, as a falcon, flies after another one just before Mammoth somersaults in to throw a killer punch at Mason, who flips away in the nick of time. However, the impact of fist on concrete sends a shock wave directly toward Raven. She puts up a shield to defend herself against such a blow; as soon as she takes it down, though, Jinx hits her with a blindside hex that sends her flying.

Mason catches her, and Jinx flips a couple of spells at the ceiling. Down come a few hundred pounds of it, forcing the two Titans to move off, and Cyborg backs into view to fire his sonic cannon.

Cyborg: Three raids in one week? Man, this is seriously getting old!

He stops blasting and runs o.c. to avoid being brained by a falling stone. Pan to Robin, his staff twirling at full speed and knocking rocks away.

Robin: The H.I.V.E. Academy's new leader must be up to something!

He leaps away, just avoiding Mammoth.

Jinx: And wouldn't you like to know?

She has been preparing a new spell, but a starbolt in the back lays her out. Starfire flies down, eyes and hands ablaze.

Starfire: Yes, we would!

She hurls a Tamaranean knuckle ball or two; the shots just miss Jinx, who nimbly skips away, and the camera pulls back from the dueling teens to a balcony. Gizmo is here, stuffing more valuables into his sack.

Gizmo: Sweet. This crud should be worth--

He trails off when a large glob of something wet and nasty sails into view and splatters against his cheek.

Gizmo: Hey!

Cut to behind him and pan a bit. He is staring at a large green camel, Beast Boy, who has taken advantage of that animal's propensity to spit when angered. The humped mammal quickly becomes a velociraptor and lunges; the criminal runt screams in terror, just barely avoids getting chomped, and flies for dear life with that huge creature after him. Before Beast Boy can close in, though, a section of balcony railing blows out in his face. The dust clears to show him back in human form, dazed and drooling amid the wreckage, and the camera cuts to Mammoth.

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