S5: Revved Up

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Opening shot: a screenful of smoke and exhaust fumes, accompanied by the growl of a souped-up engine. Dissolve to a shot of an old-style hot rod, seen from the rear, bright red body; open top; wide, smooth racing tires on the rear wheels; hood removed to expose the power plant.

A double curtain of fumes pours back from the slicks as the driver keeps his foot on the gas; it is a broad figure in a black leather jacket, with a gray cap resting atop the head. The vehicle is eating up the asphalt on a desert road during the day.

Zoom in slightly, far enough to expose prominent black sideburns and establish the driver as a male. The screen briefly fills with exhaust again as he speeds ahead, then dissolves to the road while the camera tilts up to show it stretching toward the horizon. The roadster zooms over a hill, drops out of sight on the far side, and reappears from the dip to continue at full speed.

Cut to an extreme close-up of a jukebox front, with a single button beneath the lists of song choices. One finger reaches into view and presses it; tilt up to the top of the cabinet, where a record is placed on the turntable and the needle lowers onto the vinyl. This is a dashboard-mounted blast from the past that serves as the car's sound system.

A 1950s rock and roll tune starts as the camera cuts to a close-up of one front tire and pans to frame the driver head-on. Big fat guy, beady black eyes, long straight nose, scruffy beard, white T-shirt beneath his leather jacket. This is Ding Dong Daddy, who appeared in the gathering of villains at the end of "Homecoming."

Ding Dong Daddy enjoys the music for a second, after which the camera cuts to a close-up ad zooms in as he gasps in shock. The next shot shows the Titans standing in the middle of the road and not looking at all happy; he jams one booted foot on the brake pedal and brings the car and the music to a stop in a screech of burning rubber. Now he straightens up, exposing his T-shirt fully, three black D's interlocked, and speaks as a '50s hepcat might.

Ding Dong Daddy: What's buzzin', cousins?

Robin: You're going to hand over what you stole, now!

Ding Dong Daddy: Chill out, cool cat. The Ding Dong Daddy ain't cruisn' for a bruisin'. The prize is yours. All you gotta do is raced me for it.

Beast Boy: What does he mean, prize?

Close-up of Ding Dong Daddy's right hand as he raises it, holding a metal briefcase.

Ding Dong Daddy: One hundred percent titanium alloy. Bulletproof, fireproof, blastproof. Encrypted lock. And here's the real kicker.

On the end of this, he turns the case around to expose Robin's insignia on the other side. Close-up of this, zooming in, then cut to Starfire and Raven, then to Beast Boy. Gasps from the girls and the green Titan as the camera zooms in on each in turn, then cut to a close-up of Mason and Robin's steely-eyed faces. On the start of the next line, pan slightly to one side, where Cyborg steps up and he looks back over his shoulder; the focus shifts to the big man.

Cyborg: Robin, when you said we had to stop a crook, I think you left out a minor detail: you were the one robbed!

Focus on Robin and Mason.

Mason: It doesn't matter.

Cut to behind Ding Dong Daddy; slow pan.

Mason: Last chance. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Behind the brothers; slow pan.

Ding Dong Daddy: How 'bout my way? You want it back, you'll need to beat me in a race.

Extreme close-up of the revving engine, then back to him.

Ding Dong Daddy: That's if you have the wheels for it!

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