S5: Hide and Seek

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Opening shot: a snow-capped mountain range under a peaceful morning sky. Tilt down slowly into the lush meadows that surround it and stop on an overhead view of a set of train tracks and a road that run parallel to one another. Set between them is a small station house.

Cut to a close-up of Mason and Raven's feet, out in front of this building, and tilt up to Raven's impatient face and crossed arms while Mason who was back in his original Nomad suit had a bored face. Evidently, something is not happening soon enough for their liking, or it is late in happening to begin with.

The natural features and the architecture suggest that we might be near the Swiss Alps, and the station is the Myrberg stop on this route. Long shot of them, seen from some distance down the road, then back to the station. A glance in each direction shows only empty stretches of hard packed dirt; now Mason pulls out his communicator and flips it open.

Mason: Nomad calling Robin. Over.

Close-up of the static-filled screen, which resolves into an image of Beast Boy's beaming face. Behind him is a rocky landscape under a blazing sun.

Beast Boy: Robin's communicator. May I help you?

Mason: Beast Boy, put my brother on.

Beast Boy: He's fighting crime at the moment. Perhaps I can be of assistance?

Raven: We're at the train station and no one's here. Are you sure we're in the right place?

Beast Boy: Yep. That's the pickup spot.

Mason: What if they don't show? Are we supposed to just hang around here in the middle of nowhere forever?

Beast Boy: Stay put. Robin's trusting you to meet that team and take them to the place where the Brotherhood of Evil can't get to them.

During this line, cut back to Raven and Mason; on the end of it, an engine is heard growling in the distance. They flicks a more vexed glance in its direction and finds a bus rolling toward the station. It pulls in, blocking them from view entirely; overhead shot of the area as it pulls away, kicking up as much dust as it did while braking.

At ground level, the screen slowly clears with a little help from Mason and Raven's mildly disgruntled fanning and the duo looks straight ahead. Cut to behind Raven and tilt up, revealing absolutely no one across the way where the bus would have let them out, then back to a close-up. Now she aims a mildly worried look at the departing rear fender, but a tug at her cloak from below on the other side shakes her out of it.

Raven: Huh?

Cut to just over her shoulder; off to this side are three very young children. The oldest is a girl, perhaps six or seven, with blond hair tied in two pigtails. Her shirt is white, stenciled with a large magenta M, and she wears a cape and skirt in this latter color and magenta/white boots. Next is a boy of four or five, who is still holding the cloak hem. He has tousled yellow-orange hair and freckles, and sports a yellow shirt and tights with red gloves, shorts, and boots.

His chest displays a small fireball containing a T, and a blue blanket drags from his free hand. The youngest is a boy, no more than two; he has a single tuft of blond hair and is dressed in a set of "footie" pajamas. Tied around his neck is a bib marked with a large tooth. These are Melvin, Timmy, and Teether, respectively.

Timmy: Are you Raven and Nomad?

Cut to them and zoom in slightly; their face flushes with disgust as they realizes that them, of all people, has drawn day care duty.

Mason/Raven: You've gotta be kidding.

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