S5: Homecoming

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Opening shot: an overhead view of a rambling castle set on a cliff that overlooks a wide river and a mountainous countryside. It is evening. Zoom in very slowly to the sound of an urgent male voice.

Voice: Inside these walls is the most sinister weapon the Brotherhood of Evil has ever created.

A camera-shaking explosion flashes out from one of the ramparts. Cut to a close-up of the spot; the screen is full of smoke, but clears to show five figures at a freshly blasted hole in the masonry. One is a large android garbed only in a black shorts and a matching harness strapped across the chest; the belt and strap buckle are magenta. The other four are human, three male and one female, sporting the same outfit as Beast Boy, black/magenta bodysuits, gray belts and gloves, along with calf-length black boots trimmed in magenta.

The woman's shoulder-length brown hair is held back by a black Alice band, and her outfit ends in a short magenta skirt. On one side of her stands a wiry man who wears no gloves; his head and forearms are wrapped, mummy-like, with many turns of gray cloth. To her other side is a much better built fellow whose chest is emblazoned with a large lightning bolt, his head protected by a magenta helmet with two short antennae and his eyes set behind a mask attached to its brim.

In the order described, these four are: Robot Man, a.k.a. Cliff Steele; Elasti-Girl, a.k.a. Rita Farr; Negative Man, a.k.a. Larry Trainor; and Mento, a.k.a. Steve Dayton. The fifth member of the group is none other than Beast Boy, but looking a bit smaller and more scrawny than we have seen him.

In addition, he wears a magenta hood and gray eye mask that reaches to cover his pointed ears. Evidently, this scene is set some time before the beginning of the series. The next line, spoken by Mento, matches the voice heard in the opening shot.

Mento: It must be destroyed!

Pull back. They are standing at one end of a corridor, and several guards race in to confront the five. Close-up, side view: weapons are readied against them.

Mento: Doom Patrol, move out!

Elasti-Girl is first to get in their faces, stopping just short and straining mightily, and her body begins to elongate dramatically in response. Close-up of the guards' silhouettes as her shadow extends over every last one of them, then pull back. Now her head nearly brushes the ceiling, her figure still keeping its original proportions even at this height. She brings one enormous boot down on the deck plates, generating a tremor that rips along the corridor to send the guards flying every which way like bowling pins.

After all have hit the floor, the Patrol races ahead and into a connecting passage; Elasti-Girl is back to normal size. A door slides shut behind them to seal off the retreat. Cut to a point farther down the way, where two huge pistons slam together horizontally like pile drivers. Pull back; now two buzzsaw blades swing from floor to ceiling, and two serrated steel plates slam together over and over. The three-way combo of death brings the group up short for a second before Robot Man takes action.

Robot Man: Out of my way! This one's mine!

He voices a growing roar of fury as he approaches the gauntlet. Cut to the other four, who shield their faces from a series of o.c. explosions and showers of sparks and debris; the metal hero doing his thing, then to a door just behind the entire assembly.

Several guards have gathered here, ready to attack, but are hurled backward when the thick steel barrier blows off its hinges and into their faces. Now the Patrol enters a large, warehouse-like chamber at whose far end stands a piece of machinery topped by a large metal hoop. Three spherical emitters are attached to this, pointing inward.

Mento: This is it. The quantum generator.

Tilt down slowly to frame the entire device, then cut to Negative Man. His tone of voice is enough to make one think that he and Raven could be related.

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