S3: Spellbound

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We open to the moon hanging amid wispy clouds in a night sky whose lower altitudes are tinged with green. Pan/tilt down to a large, half-ruined castle that sits on an island in the middle of a lake. Inside, as flames lick across the floor in one hall, two distant figures one with long white hair and glowing hands faces off against some creature whose clawed foot is in view near the camera and the other in black armor. Extreme close-up of the other person's glowing red eyes, panning slowly across to the sound of a growl, then cut to a similar shot of the figure's eyes. These are light blue, set above a wide black scarf that covers the face from the nose down, and narrowed in steely determination.

Pull back; the creature is a dragon, its opponents are two young men in a suit of armor emblazoned with a black M, and the scarf's long ends hang down behind. This is Malchior. While other wore all black armor with a pointy helmet and a sword on his back, this was the legendary dark knight Vesemir.

The beast opens its slavering jaws wide for a roar and prepares to belch fire; the warrior stands pat as the flames shoot out and conjures a shield to block them

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The beast opens its slavering jaws wide for a roar and prepares to belch fire; the warrior stands pat as the flames shoot out and conjures a shield to block them. This is pushed slowly forward, plowing the inferno aside, and Vesemir and Malchior advances across the stones. More fire blasts out, smashing through the shield, and the smoke clears to show the steel-clad feet intact.

Tilt up; he hurls a ball of energy that detonates against the dragon's chest, sending sparks all over the body and seeming to freeze it in place. However, it is still able to breathe fire, and it sends out a new burst. Leaping backward, Vesemir readies his blade while Malchior retaliates with a broad beam that hits home hard enough to throw up dense gray smoke.

He lands on a high ledge only to get knocked down by a sweep of that long tail. After a moment to collect himself, he stands and finds himself facing off against the monster again. Those blood-red eyes narrow to slits as a soft screech issues from the reptilian throat, and Malchior readies a new spell. When he speaks, it is with a British accent.

Malchior: Necronom Hezberek Mortix!

Glowing fissures open in the stones at his feet and lace toward the dragon; the entire floor caves in, dropping the beast out of sight amid a great cloud of dust. Long shot of the area, pulling back slowly; the entire castle has crumbled, leaving Malchior and Vesemir standing alone on a ledge.

Malchior: And so it came to pass that I, Malchior of Nol, and my ally Vesemir of Rivia did lay siege to the dread dragon Rorek.

Cut to a close-up of him during this line; after it ends, he walks away. He does not get far, however, before a pillar of flame boils up from the smoking depths, Rorek is raring to go around again. One mighty leap carries it up to the ledge; it leans threateningly down toward Vesemir and Malchior and snakes the tail in for another sucker punch. They notices it too late and is wrapped up for a little face-to-face.

Malchior: But it did seem the power of Rorek was greater than my magics and Vesemir's blade could defeat.

Rorek warms up its throat.

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