S4: Episode 257-494

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Open to a screenful of crackling static, which winks out after a moment. It is replaced by a badly distorted, black-and-white shot of a face. Even though it is nearly impossible to make out fine detail of its features, the broad, fat cheeked and sunken, beady eyes give it away as Control Freak, the crazed movie fan who assaulted the Titans in "Fear Itself."

Another second or two, and this shot is replaced by the single dot that sometimes glows on a television screen after the set is turned off. More static, then the dot again. On the following line, alternate between it and various shots of the villain that gradually become clearer.

Control Freak: Nothing is wrong with your television. Do not attempt to change the channel. Your regularly scheduled program will not be seen because I am controlling the transmission.

Now the dot is the only thing on the screen again.

Control Freak: I control the horizontal.

It stretches into a horizontal line.

Control Freak: I control the vertical.

The line rotates 90 degrees, after which his pudgy fingers force themselves in from beyond the blackness and push the two halves apart. His face is in full color and clearly seen, and static crackles behind him.

Control Freak: And those buttons on your remote that don't seem to do anything? I know what they're for! From this moment on, your television belongs to me, Control Freak!

He backs up from the camera a bit, laughing madly all the while, and the camera itself backs up to show this entire spectacle on the window/screen in the operations center of Titans Tower. It is daytime, and Beast Boy is on the couch, his plans to watch the idiot box blown out the window.

Beast Boy: Uh, guys?


Open up to the bridge across Jump City Bay. Pan to the shoreline and the Tower, then zoom in on its upper stories and dissolve to a close-up of a wall panel.

Yellow-and-black hazard stripes mark the sides, and at the center is a large red button imprinted with the Titans' insignia. Labeling: "ALARM-PRESS ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES"; taped to the bottom edge is a sheet bearing the words "THIS MEANS YOU BEAST BOY!" and Robin's personal mark.

One gray-gloved hand whips into view and slaps the button to set off the alarm and red lights. In the gym, Robin breaks off his heavy-bag workout; in the garage, Mason from his weights in the gym, Cyborg slides out from underneath the T-Car, then tips it out of the way to give himself room to get to his feet and run off. Raven has lit candles all over her room and is seated on the floor, meditating among them, but she soon clears out and the flames are extinguished by her waving cloak.

Starfire, meanwhile, has just returned from walking Silkie; it is on a leash, and she carries a picnic basket and wears the green floppy hat she used to disguise her body changes in "Transformation." As soon as she takes notice of the alarm, she ditches the pet and accessories and is on the move. Cut to the closed operations center door. It opens, revealing the panicked fifth Titan just inside.

Cut to the closed operations center door. It opens, revealing the panicked fifth Titan just inside.

Beast Boy: In here! Hurry! Now!

The others rush in. Cut to a close-up of him, hands to ears, and pull back to frame them around him as the alarm stops.

Robin: Beast Boy! What's the problem?

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