S3: X

505 14 2

The episode opens to a close-up of the locking mechanism on a door.

It's simple.

Snap to black, against which two bright red strokes flash to form an X, then fade in to the lock. The tumblers line up, releasing the mechanism.

There is good...and there is evil.

The door slides open a bit, showing black beyond. Cut to inside; a caped silhouette slips in.

There are those who commit crimes...

The figure runs ahead, and the shaft of light widens to show Cyborg pushing the door open and the rest of the Titans gathered around him. All are in silhouette.

...and those who stop them.

They advance into the room, the light coming up a bit to show them properly; Robin gives a hand signal and all charge. It takes a second for Beast Boy to get his head and body going in same direction as he brings up the rear. Cut to inside an elevator shaft; a grappling hook flies up and o.c., and the caped intruder ascends on the line.

The two sides are opposite...

Tilt down; all but Beast Boy stand on the car's roof.

...as different as day and night.

On the end of this line, Raven exerts her powers on the cable pulley to set the car in motion. After it has risen o.c., Beast Boy enters the shaft through an open door; he drops a few feet before turning into a giant bat and flapping his way up. Cut to a close-up of a laser beam that stretches across an open doorway at ankle height to act as a tripwire. The unauthorized visitor steps into view and kneels down on the next line, without breaking the light path.

And the line between them is clear.

A device is set on the floor, and a mirror pops up from its top; this is angled to redirect the beam straight up. Pull back to show that this passage is protected by an entire grid of lasers; all of which have been neutralized with mirrors set on the floor and clamped to the doorframe. The thief sprints ahead, and Mason, Robin, Raven, and Starfire keep up the chase. Cyborg is the next one through, but he has to duck in order to clear the top of the frame and a few mirrors are knocked loose.

Close-up of Beast Boy, in human form and running flat out; suddenly he becomes very surprised as the camera pulls back. The beams snap into place again, but he becomes a mouse and slips through easily. Close-up of a control panel. A shadowed fist smashes it.

Or at least... it's supposed to be.

In another area of this place, which could be a warehouse, the Titans hit the brakes one at a time and Starfire lets off one very shocked gasp. Cut to a close-up of the intruder's face and pull back to frame the body. The light has come up sufficiently to reveal this person as Red X: the villainous alter ego Robin assumed to deceive Slade in "Masks." Snap to black.


Open to the same close-up/pull-back shot of Red X.

Mason: What the hell?

Beast Boy: Red X? I thought Robin was Red X!

Quick pan to the black-clad criminal. His voice is a bit higher and younger-sounding than when he first crossed paths with the Titans.

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