S4: Employee of the Month

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Open to the full moon, hanging low and large among drifting clouds in the night sky. Tilt down to a farmer's field, in which a scarecrow has been erected and fireflies wink here and there. Pan to follow them over to the barn, then dissolve to a pig sleeping blissfully in its mud.

A second pan puts several others in view; the fireflies make their way over the porkers, and another dissolve sends the camera across a pasture filled with contented cows and the luminous insects. One final transition puts us at ground level on the farmhouse porch, where a man and woman are seated in rocking chairs as the fireflies flit among their legs.

Dissolve to a longer shot; this is an elderly couple, and she is hard at work on some knitting. Zoom in as a gust of wind plays across them, drawing their attention, then cut to the barn and tilt up to the moon above it. The source of the wind, a flying saucer, rises into view and swoops down past the porch; the old man and woman flick their eyes incuriously toward it as another gust blows past them.

Overhead view of the cow pasture. All the animals save one scatter from a pool of white light that shines down from above; this centers itself on the stationary animal, and the camera shifts to show the alien craft hovering above it. A hatch on the underside opens, allowing that light to pour forth unchecked, and the cow is seized in a set of three long pincers and hauled up. Cut to a long shot of the farmhouse and zoom in quickly; the man gets to his feet and pulls off his entire face, exposing Robin's head beneath it, he has been working undercover.

Robin: Titans! Now!

Zoom in on the scarecrow, which disintegrates as Raven emerges from the rags and zooms down, then Mason jumping through the crops. The old farmer's wife loses her glasses and knitting, and her entire body shreds itself when Starfire bursts out.

Zoom in on the pigsty; one of the inhabitants wakes up, shakes itself clean, and turns into Beast Boy for a moment. He immediately assumes the form of a tyrannosaurus rex and sets off toward the flying saucer with thundering footsteps and a bellowing scream. The cow, meanwhile, is still being towed away; suddenly, a hatch opens up on the back and Cyborg pops out.

Cyborg: Moo-yah!

He shoots out two pincers with his sonic cannon, letting the faux bovine drop, and seizes the third one to swing himself up onto the fuselage. As soon as the cow's remains hit the ground in a shower of sparks, emitters pop out from the craft's underside and begin shooting beams in all directions.

While Raven and Starfire do a little fancy dodging in midair, Robin, now fully out of his farmer disguise, with Mason next to him has to rely on footwork to stay ahead of the one slicing into the dirt. Another shot scores a bullseye on Beast Boy, propelling him into the barn, and the ship starts to buck crazily in a ploy to throw the yelling Cyborg off its rim.

Cyborg: It's getting awaaaaayyyyy!

One hard spin sends him whirling toward the camera. Cut to the massive green dinosaur amid the debris from the wrecked barn; as the saucer whisks overhead, he resumes human form.

Beast Boy: Cyborg!

In a blink, he has become a pterodactyl and is flapping for all he is worth to get up there. Robin gives chase on the ground while both girls back up the aerial pursuit. Fade to black.


Opening shot to a close-up of Cyborg, still hanging on for dear life and yelling his lungs out. The saucer backs up sharply and keeps trying to shake him loose, but he absolutely won't budge.

Teen Titans: NomadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ