S4 Finale: The End Pt.1

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We open to a large round skylight, seen from below, through which the clear blue sky can be seen. Pull back slowly as the sun moves into view and Trigon's deep, grating voice begins to speak.

Voice of Trigon: The time has come. The prophecy shall be fulfilled. Tonight at dusk, when the planets align...

Tilt down from the skylight to frame the spacious underground chamber the Titans discovered in "The Prophecy" The demon's four red eyes shine on a sculpted head, and electricity crackles between the fingers of the stone hand on its central pillar.

Voice of Trigon: ...the portal will be opened.

As he continues, the tilt continues down through the floor and stops in the underground cavern where we last left Slade. He is kneeling before a solid sheet of flames.

Voice of Trigon: Finally, I shall be free from this fiery prison, and the Earth shall be mine.

Cut to a pan across the river of lava before which he is genuflecting; behind him is the monolith with Trigon's blazing crest, also known as the Mark of Skath. Stop on him during the next line.

Slade: I will make sure that Raven realizes her destiny.

Trigon's eyes gaze at him above the fire.

Slade: And for bringing you your precious gem... I expect you to keep your part of the bargain... and return what is precious to me.

A row of Marks appears on the cavern wall behind the four eyes.

Voice of Trigon: You bring me the gem... and you shall get what you deserve.

Slade: Deal.

He stands up as the walls tile themselves with the Mark, the camera circling around him to show the ring of jagged S's stretching around the entire perimeter.

Slade: It's a beautiful day for the end of the world.

Dissolve to Raven's room in Titans Tower and zoom in slowly on her bed where both her and Mason were seen sleeping. As the sun begins to rise over the Jump City skyline framed in her window. In close-up, she is sleeping peacefully and starts to wake up at this first light. What snaps her up with a terrified gasp, though, are the burning red runes that appear all over her body, the ones that Slade laid on her in "Birthmark." Close-up of her wide-eyed face.

Raven: No.

She dips her head as the camera pulls back slightly. Fade to black.


Opening shot: the exterior of the Tower. Zoom in slowly and dissolve to Raven on the roof, watching the sunrise. She has donned her cloak, which she did not wear while sleeping. The breeze toys idly with her hair and cloak, but her concentration is focused on her marked forearms. Cut to her perspective of one of them, tilting down from wrist to elbow, then back to her. The brand across her forehead has faded out.

Mason: What are you doing up so early?

His voice startles her into covering up both arms; now he walks up from behind.

Raven: I could ask you the same thing.

Mason: I love sunrise. The promise of a new day, anything's possible.

Raven: You always so cheery this early?

Mason: Sometimes. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.

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