12- Hawks' Speech

Start from the beginning

"As most of you know, the Number Two hero, Hawks, is coming to give a speech on first period so you are all to get seated in the gym. You all have to be quiet and stay calm. Do you understand?"

"Yes sensei!" most of their minds already forgetting the last half of his words.

As soon as he left, everyone started talking about Hawks. "Isn't he like 18?" "I heard he's 17. And that he's turning 18 this year." "I hope I get to become a great hero like him." "I wonder what school he went to?" "Does anyone know his actual name?" 

Dabi left the classroom. Quickly followed by Tokoyami. "Where are you going, Dabi?"

"I'm gonna go to the gym." he answered. "Already? First period starts like 15 minutes later."

"I need to ask him something." he told the kid. "Oh, well I'll also go with you." 

The two walked in silence. When they arrived there, Tokoyami walked back to the class.

"You're going back?" Dabi asked. "I just came here because I thought you might not know the way, but I guess you do. Well, bye. See you later." he said while walking the other way. 

Dabi opened the door to see hundreds of seats and the words <THE HERO THAT'S TOO FAST, NO.2 HERO HAWKS> written on a banner. The school really went all out for this, huh? 

He heard wings flapping and looked up to see Hawks upside down. "Hey Tou- Dabi" he laughed it off. 

"Are you alright, Hawks? Staying upside down for too long could cause blood to pool in the skull and pressure could build up inside your brain and eyes."

"Thank you, I guess. Though I was expecting a more... Spider-Man kind of scene. " Hawks landed on his feet. Right in front of Dabi. "Spider... man? What's that?"

"You don't know Spider-man? Even I know him. And I spent my whole life trapped or on the streets. Tou- Dabi. You are definitely having a movie night with me." he said. His face completely serious.

"Ey! My favorite chicken boy! The speech is gonna start in like 10 minutes-" a hero with bunny ears came towards the two. She then noticed Dabi. Looking up and down, as if measuring him. "So this is Dabi, huh? Nice to meet you." she said, smiling. 

"Nice to meet you too. I- I'm Dabi and uh... you're that hero right?" he asked.

"Yup! Number 5 hero, Mirko! I'm also Hawks' number 1 best friend!" she said with a big smile on her face. Dabi stared at Hawks, waiting for an explanation. Hawks, or Keigo, always said that Touya was his number 1 best friend. Was that all a lie?

Hawks avoided eye contact with Dabi, so Dabi crossed his arms and told the hero.

"Aha, right. I see... but are you sure you're the number 1? Or does Hawks tell that to everyone, because last time I checked, I was his number 1 best friend." he bit his lower lip.

"Nu-uh~ that title is mine. But, you can be his number 1 boyfriend if you want. I'll let you have that title." she said, then she left. Giggling as she walked to the stage to help out the teachers.

Hawks' face became red, blushing, and didn't have time to see that the person standing next to him was also a bit red. "Uh- Touya, I have to go... help the others and prepare my speech, so buh-bye!" and he flew off to the backstage. Breathing heavily. Why would Mirko say that! It's not like they were dating! (though he wished....)

Pretty soon, students rushed into the gymnasium. Everyone getting seated wherever. Dabi sat at the seat in the very corner of the whole place. Most of his classmates went to the very front of the seats, to take a closer look at Hawks.

Hawks started his speech, they were all just normal things; heroes shouldn't give up since the civilians are counting on them, heroes should always be saving the weak, etc. But, he looked around as if looking for someone.

Hawks kept talking, "and lastly, heroes should always have a smile on their face. Smiling will give the people a sense of safety and-" he stopped for a brief second, noticing Dabi looking up at him. "and it also gives villains the image that you are not afraid." he said, still doing eye contact with Dabi. He then looked away and finished with a, "Thank you for listening, future heroes! Do you have any questions? Any are okay." 

One by one, students began raising their hands and asking questions. "What do you think is the most important skill when being a hero?" 

To that, Hawks answered, "I think it's the skill to let civilians feel safe and sound. Wether it's to smile or to be extremely strong like All Might, our first priorities will always be civilians."

"Uh- Mr.Hawks? I heard you're only 18, and I wondered... how did you become a top hero so quickly? Was there a specific training method you liked to use?" Midoriya asked.

"Hmm... First off, I'm actually 17, but I'm turning 18 this year. And for the training method... I just trained thinking this one thought, that I had to save someone." Dabi got the feeling that Hawks was staring at him. "When I thought of that, it became easier even when I felt exhausted. So, it's nice to set a detailed and specific goal that you want to achieve. For example, it could be doing 50 pushups! Or it could be finding someone that went missing... or it could be to be the number 1 hero! Whatever it is, I promise I'll cheer you on!" he smiled. "Alright! We don't have much time, so I'll take one more question and we'll get to our next classes. Hmmm... the one in the back? With the purple hair?"

The student sitting beside Dabi had been chosen. It was the last question, so they all expected a hard and important question. But what he asked was , "What's your actual name? I've been searching it up and it never seems to give me an answer." 

"Uhm... my name is certified information. It isn't really supposed to be told to others, so even though I would like to tell you, I'm not allowed to. You can just think of me as Hawks. Well, thanks for staying here and I hope you have a wonderful day. Bye!" Hawks then left.

A few minutes later, everyone else also left the gym. Going back to normal school days. 


Sorry for taking so long to update!! I'll try to update more frequently!! Sorry guys, hope you had a great read!! ^^

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