Let the dead rest

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"Can we contact this Gray Serpent?" Theresa asked.
"It shouldn't be a problem. I would advise to plan on who is going to meet him." Einstein said and began typing on her virtual screen.

An intel dealer named Gray Serpent... this sounds like he is from the World Serpent.... Call it intuision but Satomi had a bad feeling about him and going down probaly ment no intel if he was realy from these assholes.

"Satomi, are you going with us?" Theresa asked.
"No. You guys can handle it perfectly." Satomi said.
"You can help me with leading Theresa, Mei and Bronya from here." Einstein said, still looking at her datapad.

"I set a meeting in Arc City. Three hours from now on. Course to Arc City in Shenzou." Einstein said.

Satomi's bad feeling didn't dissapear during the first hour. She texted Martha via HOMU-Chat.

Do you know an intel dealer named Gray Serpent?

He has intel about Kiana

Doesn't ring a bell

Sounds like a name the WS would give

I know!!

Are you going to arrest him?

No, I stay away from him.

I'll get him later.

Satomi and the crew is close to rescue Kiana, she knew it.


Mei was preparing for the mission with Bronya. They where in their battlesuits and checked their weapons before the mission would start.

"We will safe her." Bronya said and layed a hand of comfort on Mei's shoulder. She wanted to at least try to comfort her friend.

Mei simply nodded.

"I'm ready." Mei said and they both went to the bridge.


Elham usualy has two options on what to do in her freetime.

One: Watch an incredible amount of television and two: Interact with these evil people.

"If that isn't my favorite test subject!" Fox said and hugged Elham from behind. She thought it was Jackal who said this but then she remembered the scientist had locked herself in her lab since two days.

"Gray Serpent gave Jackal new orders but she hasn't responded yet. Let's see if she's still alive." Fox suggested.

"Go alone." Elham said pissed. She can't even leave her room without getting distracted.
"Jesus your so pissed all the time." Fox said and let go of Elham.

Fox went down the corridor which leads to Jackals lab.

It was one of the biggest rooms in the base which wasn't suprising given the many experiments Jackal hadn't finished yet.

Fox stapped into the labor and damn it was cold! Jackal was in the middle, standing infront of an operation table and performing a surgery on the person. But something was wrong. There was no heart monitor, no Iv, no infusion or anything that indicated the person was still alive. Also, Jackal wasn't wearing a surgical mask.

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