Part 1

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The rain was pouring out since an hour and so heavily that Khushi Gupta was completely drenched. It was her mistake that she didnt carry an Umbrella. Her Nani had warned her not to forget carrying Umbrella while she goes for group studies to her best friend Payal's house which was almost 3 kms away from Laxmi Nagar where Khushi stayed. Wish her Anjali Di was here for some days in Delhi to remind her every necessary thing that she keeps on forgetting in her hurry. But Shyam Jeeju needs her Di too. Afterall he is her husband and he has full rights to keep his wife close to him in Lucknow. Her clothes were drenched but she hurridly walked towards the Auto Stand which seemed to be quite far off today. Was it a strike? She supposed so because otherwise it never happened that she doesnt get an Auto on this lane. The lightening striked hard somewhere which made her jerk in fear. Thats when she realised the road was very lonely and she could see no people around. Everyone might be enjoying this first rain sitting inside their house having pakoda's and tea.. The mere thought of pakoda's made her mouth water and the first thing she would do after reaching home was frying Aloo pakodas. The rain started pouring more forcefully and the Dupatta she had covered her head with was of no use anymore. She saw a small shade at the other corner of the road. Some Old Garage probably which was closed down years back. Again, no people or cars around whom she can even think of taking a lift back home. She stopped at the garage planning to wait till she gets some drive or the rain eases down. Good she left her books at Payal's house or else by now they would have been soaked in water. She checked the time on her watch and waited under the small shade shrugging the water from her hair and dupatta. She heard some noise at the backside of this garage. Felt as if someone was talking, kind of mumbling. Should she check? Not that she wasnt afraid of such darkness but what if it was someone who needed help ? She took steps towards the backside slowly to see what was happening.

A White SUV was parked at the other corner of this area. Two men in Black who were completely drenched were holding a man in late 60's who seemed to be pleading before someone asking to leave him. The scene itself was scary. Were they goons? But since when did local goons start wearing so expensive suits? And whom was this old man pleading to? She scanned the area further and finally saw a man in driver's outfit getting outside the Car and opening an Umbrella. UMBRELLAA?? Aww. Wish she had one. Concentrate Khushi, she thought and continued staring at this Driver who opened the backseat door and allowed the Main Boss to get down. So the Umbrella was for him. ?? He must be the leader of these goons she thought. She saw a man getting down from the Car holding a Cigar in between his fingers which was half used. He was tall and had a Hero type Physique. She wished he was her favourite actor and this scene of some Movie shoot. By now she would have rushed to him and taken his autograph. Come back to Reality Khushi, she reminded herself and looked again.

The man took just 4 long yet slow predatory steps towards this oldie who was held by his guards and stopped a feet away from him. They started talking and the noise of the pouring rain didnt allow her to hear even a word clearly. What was happening here ? The oldie kept on pleading but guess his pleads were of no use. This Boss threw the Cigar down on the watery floor blowing it off , stamping it with his feet and then took out something from his pocket. She could see he took out some papers showing it to this Oldie which surely created a shock on his face. The Oldie struggled to get free not ready to respond anything about these papers the Boss showed. Within seconds she found this tall man taking out a Gun from his pocket and pointing it on that Oldie's forehead. The sight gave Khushi innumerous shivers thinking she was not supposed to watch this. She was surely at a wrong place at a wrong time. She could see him pulling the Trigger and that was the end of her silence .She screamed aloud in fear but unable to run away from this place as she felt her legs quite heavy and trembling witnessing this scene though the bullet was still in the gun and the oldie still alive.

Her scream was loud enough to gather everyone's attention to her, especially the main Boss's who never expected a visitor here. The rain was still pouring when their eyes met for the first time. He was definately handsome with a slight pricky stuble and expressive eyes. Who would believe he was so heartless to try killing an old man with just a pull of a trigger? Where she was more interested in deciphering his intentions , he was more concentrating on her appearance. Her lips were trembling , it had to be the fear. Her eyes blinking constantly due to the rain yet she was capturing every glimpse of what she was witnessing here. Her nose turned red and he knew she would catch cold , infact even Pneumonia in the worst case, her thick dark black hair lined on her shoulder at one side , her dressing sense confirming she was a highly moral girl who probably had never witnessed such a scene other than in a Movie.

Fear rising inside her all the more as she could feel her life in danger. But she was already paralyzed by this scene and had no strength to even keep her focus intact. Her eyes started closing which didnt go unnoticed by him. Forgetting the rain, not thinking about getting drenched if he steps out of his Umbrella shelter, he took quick steps towards her which went unnoticed by Khushi as she was busy balancing herself from not falling unconscious on that slippery road. "Run Khushi Run" was the slogan going back of her mind and the last thing she remembered was that he held her firm from collapsing on the road , rain covering both of them, hearts beating faster and he supporting her with all his might as if her collapsing will end the world and so would him.


She felt something being inserted into her nerves which made her eyes shot open and scan the surroundings.

"Dont shoot me. Please .. Dont shoot me" , she screamed for life. Someone cupped her cheeks and shook her once, the voice seemed familiar and she tried to see properly with her open eyes. It was her brother Akash who was cupping her cheeks asking her to calm down as she was at her home.

Akash: Khushi relax.. No one is shooting you. The Dr is injecting sedatives. You have got Pneumonia. !!

She took minutes to understand everything and then checked her clothes. She was still drenched. Was that a bad dream ? Cannot be. Because how can she be in the same clothes and that too drenched totally? She wanted to confirm.

Khushi (To Akash): Bhaiyaa. How did I come home ?
Akash: You were unconscious on the road. The person who found you dialed me from your number as the last person you called before leaving from Payal's house was me. He told me about you and I gave him the address. Luckily you were saved . He dropped you home and I called the Dr immediately.

Khushi: HE? Was he handsome? I mean just handsome from the exterior but having a black heart as a Devil?
Akash (Confused): Handsome? Devil ? Are you okay Khushi? Guess Pneumonia has started affecting your brain. Dr is my sister alright? What is she talking ? Doesnt make any sense.

Dr: Dont worry Akash, she needs rest. Thats all.

That confused her even more. Was she really acting strange ? Nani came there with some soup and her clothes to change as she cannot rest in the drenched clothes. Akash thanked the Dr and left outside till the door talking to him.

Nani: How many times have I warned you bitiya, dont forget Umbrella. It might rain anytime.

She was totally silent. Thoughts after thoughts, but nothing seemed correct. Either she was just unconscious on the road getting drenched in the rain and a genuine person saved her and the Goon, oldie, boss everything was just a dream. Or it could be the other way too. She really witnessed such a horrible scene , felt unconscious and the Boss dropped her back home himself or asking his men. Uff. Confusion after confusion. Nani patted her arm showing her the dress.

Nani: You want me to change your dress?

She crossed her arms immediately denying her Nani who was smiling at her cuteness.

Khushi: Chi Nani.. Now I am a grown up girl . I can change myself.

She picked the dry clothes and rushed towards the Bathroom door when Nani's question stopped her again.

Nani: Where is your Anklet? Seems to be missing?

She looked at her feet. Ohh Yes. She was wearing only one Anklet, the other one was missing from her right leg. Where can it go?

Nani: They were gifted to you but Anjali on your 18th birthday and you lost them? Forget it now. Just get changed and have this hot soup, you have to take medicines too.

Seemed like Khushi's throat was cut by Parrot today. She had so many things going inside her tiny brains but she had nothing to speak still. "Kahan gayi humaari Payal? " (Where did my Anklet go?") , she murmured to herself and locked the bathroom door.


No one can even think of a cold shower after drenching for hours in the rain but He did. He hated warmth because he had enough heat in his mind and body which keeps him always a Hot headed Man before the society. The heat to get what he wants, the heat to crush down his enemies forever, the heat to earn the best for himself, the heat of being an Orphan.

Tieing the knot of his Robe he came out wiping his head with a Fresh Towel and checking himself in the mirror. Something glittered on the bed whose reflection disturbed his eyes and he turned behind. The Silver Anklet was shining like a bunch of Stars on his bed covers as if attracting him towards it , promising him brightness and the urge of shadowing it with his touch forever.

He picked it with his fingers, stroking it gently and remembering that girl whom it belonged. A sudden current passed inside him as he recollected the glow in her eyes when she stared at him in this rainy night. She was a Vision, if only he had got that opportunity to make her realise that.

The Man who always considered this world to be unsympathetic and Stone hearted, for the first time felt the sound of some innocent heart beats which were trying to sync with his. Engulfing himself in the darkness of his room, sitting on his recliner for hours he stared at the Anklet which tinkled by the cool air flowing in from the French doors passing the long night. This was just the start of facing Sleepless nights for Arnav Singh Raizada who probably never had expected to get attracted to some girl so instantly in a matter of minutes. Only the Almighty Lord might know how this little unusual meet will change his upcoming world.

Rabbaa Mere.. Kya hai Teri Marzi. ?? (Ohh Lord..What is it that you wish this time?)

To be Continued...

Note: This Fiction is completed on my Blog. Wattpad is a new venture for me. Just thought of sharing my fictions for the audience here too who would love to ready Arnav and Khushi's fan fictions. Do let me know if you like this one, I will post the rest of the chapters here  asap and complete this fiction here too :)

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