Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"What were you talking about?" Neil asked when he saw his lover walking into the room. He had seen him standing and talking to Bill.

"Are you jealous?" Nick asked with a smiling face.

"Heh... I'm not jealous because I know Bill better than that. He doesn't want to die yet," Neil said in response because he knew his subordinate very well.

"That is cruel," Nick teased with a smiling face. He walked around Neil's desk to sit on his lap. He affectionately puts his arms around Neil's neck.

"What are you wanting, for you to come over and be sweet like this?" Neil asked because he knew his lover's personality well.

"I don't want anything. I just want to sit on your lap. Isn't that okay?" Nick asked with a smile.

"I can't work if you sit on me like this," Neil said back, but he wasn't complaining at his lover.

Knock, knock...

A knock was heard on the office door.

"Come in," Neil said, knowing it was one of the garage employees. The office door opened.

"What's the matter, P' Nuch?" Neil asked, seeing his employee holding up the garage's landline phone.

"Uh... Someone called the shop's number. They said they wanted to talk to Khun Neil," Nuch said, looking at Nick's face as if he wanted to convey something.

"Is it a woman or a man?" Nick immediately asked.

"It's... a woman. She said her name was Bella," Nuch replied. Nick's face immediately stiffened when he heard the girl's name.

"Give it to me," Neil replied. Nick turned to look at Neil indignantly. His good mood, from moments ago, had disappeared in an instant. Nuch took the phone over to Neil and walked out of the office.

"Don't talk to her!" Nick shouted.

"Shorty... be quiet," Neil said, locking Nick's thin waist into place so that Nick couldn't get up or do anything rash. He held him against himself.

"Hello," Neil answered the call.

Thump, Thump, Thump...

Nick beat Neil's strong shoulder furiously after hearing Neil answer the girl's call.

"Shorty... that hurts," Neil told his lover, but he wasn't upset.

("P' Neil. P' Neil, did I hear someone yelling?") The young woman's voice escaped through the phone.

"Hmm... What did you say? What's wrong with you, Nong Bella?" Neil asked back while looking at Nick with fierce eyes. Nick lowered the hand that was hitting Neil's shoulder. He sat and looked straight ahead, indicating that he was very unhappy.

("Why do I need to have business to call you? Oh, just now, was that your new boyfriend I heard yelling?") The girl asked again.

"Yes!!" Nick yelled back. So, Neil moved his hand up to smack Nick's mouth lightly. Nick immediately scrambled out of Neil's lap.

"Where are you going?" Neil asked angrily when he saw Nick was about to walk out of the office.

"That's my business. I'll leave you to talk to your ex-lover," Nick said sarcastically before opening the door of the office and immediately walking out.

"Nick, where are you going?" Nuch quickly asked.

"I'm going out for a drive. If Neil asks, you can tell him that, too," Nick said back. He quickly walked back to his car. Nick got into the car, closed the door, and started the engine. He didn't do this fast enough, though. Before he could drive away, Neil walked out of the office and straight to the car with the phone still in his hand.

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