Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 2

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"P' Nuch, please bring some refreshments to those two customers," Nick said in a frustrated tone after seeing the two customers who had arrived at the garage. They were getting an oil change and having their vehicle inspected.

"Which customers are you referring to, Nong Nick?" the employee asked Nick.

"The two people waiting outside of the lobby. They are sitting there, so they can flirt with the mechanics," Nick said because the two young women were regular customers at his and Neil's garage. There is a front lobby where customers can sit and wait for their cars. However, these two women chose to sit in the chairs outside of the lounge so they could be close to the mechanics as they worked on their car.

"I doubt they are trying to flirt with the mechanics. They are most likely trying to seduce Mr. Neil instead. Our mechanics appearance shouldn't be tempting for them," Nuch said while smiling at Nick. This caused Nick to frown.

"P' Nuch, I know you're saying that to be sarcastic," Nick said in annoyance. He didn't pay the employees' words much attention. He felt confused about what to do.

"If it was me, I would go over there and make an appearance. Show them who belongs to who," Nuch said. Nick bit his lip a little.

"I want to go over there, but Neil has already warned me about this. I know that Neil doesn't care about those two women, but I don't like other people staring at him. They look like they are going to devour him," Nick groaned to Nuch.

"Oh my God, is this really you, Nong Nick?" Nuch said teasingly while giving Nick a smile.

"P' Nuch," Nick said in an annoyed tone. Nuch left to bring the women some water. Nick just stands and stares at the two women. After the girl brought her car into the garage, Neil came over to warn Nick. He knew his lover's nature, so he warned him not to interfere or disturb the woman because the other party was a customer. Nick froze when he saw one of the girls walking towards Neil while holding a glass of water.

Neil was checking the car's engine when the woman tried to hand him a glass of water. Nick clenched his fists. Neil waved his hands in front of himself to deny her gesture. He turned to look towards the office because he knew full well that Nick must be watching the two. When the woman saw that Neil didn't accept the water from her, she shyly walked back to her seat. Nick walked over to grab a glass of ice and poured some water into it. He immediately walked over to Neil. When the employees saw Nick's expression, they didn't dare to interfere because they knew that Nick was upset.

"Neil," Nick called his lover, causing the girl sitting nearby to hear. She immediately turned to look at Nick.

"Why did you come out here, Shorty? It's hot outside," Neil asked, even though he knew why his lover had walked over.

"Because it's hot, I was worried that you might be thirsty, so I brought a glass of water for you," Nick said in a sweet voice, but his eyes were looking at Neil angrily.

"Thank you," Neil replied. He extended his hand to accept the glass of water, but Nick pulled his hand away. This caused Neil to look at him in confusion.

"I'll pour it into your mouth for you, Neil," said Nick again. The girl who was sitting there and watching them became very confused upon hearing this.

"Hia, your wife wants to pour it for you... you should agree to it," Bill said, teasing him, knowingly. The other employees started hooting along with him to tease Neil.

"Stop the noise and get back to work, or I'll cut your salaries," Neil said to his subordinates.

"Bill, I'll increase your salary by 1,000 baht by the end of the month," Nick said with a smile, causing Bill to happily raise his hands to thank Nick. He quickly avoided Neil's gaze before getting back to work.

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