Chapter 5

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After deciding to go to Rama VIII Bridge, the four men took a taxi to the location. There were many teenagers there doing various activities. Some were playing kickball, skateboarding, and breakdancing. Others were sitting and chatting with friends, drinking, or just hanging out in general.

"Let's go find somewhere to eat sushi," Itt requested when he stepped out of the taxi.

"We can go," Day replied before walking to the riverside.

"Hey, P's and Nong's, watch out!" A warning rang out. Itt turning just in time to see a ball, that a group of teenagers had been playing with, flying straight towards his face. There was no way he could get escape in time, so Itt closes his eyes.


The sound of the ball hitting skin could be heard. Itt felt a tingle, but there was no pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw Day had stepped in front of him. He raised his arm in time to block the ball from hitting Itt.

"Be careful where you kick the ball. You almost hit someone, Nong!" Neil said in a stern voice.

"Day, what's wrong with you?" Itt quickly asked his lover before taking Day's arm, only to see a red mark that had appeared from the impact.

"Don't worry about it," Day replied calmly before staring straight at the group of teenagers. They immediately ran over to apologize.

"I'm very sorry, Hyung. I didn't mean to," one of them said.

"I know it wasn't intentional, but your actions caused someone to get hurt. You know that people must walk past this area. Do you think you are playing at Rajamangala National Stadium? Is that why you kicked the ball so hard?" Itt immediately shouted in anger upon seeing someone he loved getting hurt instead of him.

"Guys, I'm sorry," said another young man who was dressed like a gangster. Itt froze and stared at the other people. He tried to open his mouth to shout some more, but Day raised his hand to stop him.

"Stop it, Itt. I'm not hurting that much. I've been shot and stabbed before. I was fine then. Why are you so upset over one small soccer ball hitting me?" Day asked in a calm voice before looking at the faces of the young teenagers with fierce eyes. Many people turned to look their way when they heard this.

"Heh heh. Nong, you are lucky that ball hit Ai Day. If you had hit his boyfriend instead, your relatives would have had to visit you in the hospital," Nick said jokingly while pointing at Itt.

"Let's go," Neil said nonchalantly. He knew very well that Day had indirectly threatened them with what he said. He didn't mean to sound like he was bragging. It's just that with some people, it just takes a bit of manipulation instead of insulting them directly. After Neil finished speaking, the four of them continued walking.

//I think he's just bragging. // One of the teenagers said.

"Damn it. Play well with that smart mouth," Itt said in annoyance.

"Calm down, Itt. We came here to have fun," Day said in a harsh voice. Itt huffed before following Day. The four sat on a blanket by the river. There were many food trucks set up and vendors selling blankets.

"It's nice out here, but it's windy," Nick said as he sat down by the river.

"Have you calmed down yet?" Day tried to ask Itt.

"If you order me some food, I'll call down for you," Itt replied. Day smiled mockingly before ordering some Claypot Suki, grilled fish, and about 3-4 other small dishes along with beer and soda to drink. After the food was served, Itt and Nick immediately arranged everything to put into the fresh claypot. Day and Neil poured beer and soda into glasses.

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