Chapter 3

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Itt didn't argue back with him at all. Day remained silent on the way back to the condo. Itt walked straight into the without waiting for Day. Because they were walking up together, Day didn't say anything to him about it. The elevator stopped on Neil and Nick's floor first.

"Where are you going?" Day asked quietly, grabbing Itt's wrist before he could walk out of the elevator.

"To go find Ai' Nick," Itt replied shortly.

"Are you bringing the cake with you?" Day asked Itt. He frows at Day before handing him the box of cake.

"Please take this with you to the room," After handing Day the box of cake, Itt immediately stepped out of the elevator. Day shook his head and smiled before pressing the button for his floor. The tall figure put the cake up and went to take a shower. When he was done, he changed clothes before pulling out his phone to make a call to the employees at the Chonburi location. After he finished speaking, Day went to sit and work in his small office. He waited a while for Itt to come back.

Ring... ring... ring...

Day's phone rang. The tall figure pulled his phone out to look at it. He accepts the call.

"What the hell happened this time?" Day immediately said.

("He's not causing any trouble, but I wanted to ask you to come get your wife. He's been sleeping on the sofa in my living room for a while now. Nick won't stop complaining because you haven't come to check on your wife yet. So, I had to call you to come here. What have you done to make him this sensitive again?") the voice of Day's best friend rang out.

"He made himself this sensitive. I haven't done anything yet," Day replied.

("There must be a reason. Otherwise, why would he be this sensitive? I don't know if it's a good or bad thing for you to tease your wife this much. You know that his shyness is contagious. It always makes him like this. He wasn't even here half an hour before he passed out like a zombie.") Neil said jokingly.

"Hmm, I'll come down," Day said before ending the call. The tall figure finished his tast before leaving the room to go get Itt from Neil's room. When Itt gets like this and doesn't know where to go, he likes to run away to Neil and Nick's room. He does this because Day will come to him. He's not easily fooled.

Ding Dong...

Day rings the doorbell to Neil and Nick's room. The door opens to Nick's frowning face.

"You like to make him upset, like this, all the time. I can't even have alone time with Neil without being interrupted during our sweet moments," Nick grumbled.

"So, that means you're upset with Itt. You're not upset with me, right?" Day said as he walked into Nick's room.

"I'm upset with you too. If you didn't do this, would he come to me? But I must side with my friend, just like your friend sides with you," Nick said, turning to look fiercely at Neil.

"Why are you getting upset with me again, little bastard?" Neil said to his lover with a smile.

"Well, you like to always side with Day," Nick said, but not very loudly. Itt was still fast asleep on the living room sofa.

"I still side with your friend sometimes," Neil tried to say back to Nick, but he only frowns.

"Heh. Day, see what you've done? Itt's bad attitude has spread to my short guy now," Neil said, causing Nick to walk over to him and smack his arm in frustration. Day walked over to the sofa and sat down on the empty space near Itt.

"Itt. Itt, you can come back to the room," Day shook his lover and told him softly.

"Uh, oh," Itt groaned out of annoyance when he opened his eyes and saw it was Day calling him. Itt closed his eyes again and turned over. This let Day know that Itt was still upset with him.

Love Syndrome (Day/Itt) - Book 2 (Authorized English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now