Chapter 14, Red, Blue and Green all over

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Nick had to quickly snap out of his funk and follow Ash and the others as they rushed towards the park.

He wasn't the only one thinking about others; all of Ash's friends were trapped in the stadium. The only hope right now was to stop whatever was happening in the park.

The entire stadium was entrapped by the giant vines. The audience was in disarray as the vines somehow prevented them from sending out their Pokémon from their Pokéb..alls. Those with their Pokémon already out were quickly defeated.

Three masked trainers emerged from the ground along with the tree roots.

One of the assailants was a dark-skinned man in a skin-tight tank top with torn jeans.

The other was a woman in gothic attire and black hoop earrings. The smile on her face was quite sadistic.
And the last one was oddly familiar to the ccrodv . He looked exactly like the Normal specialist of Passio, Coop. The only difference was the black and white mask covering his eyes.

The three were on different sides of the stadium, terrorizing the audience with their strange-looking Pokémon.

"We are TEAM BREAK! We're here to take all your Pokémon and break the chains binding them to "Modernity!" Tank Top spoke first.

"We will return all Pokémon to their peak form, and they will break free from the weak trainers!" said the Goth.

"The primal age is upon us! Succumb or we'll break you all!" said Coop.

Tank Top had a primal Sudowoodo, which was a Steel-Rock type. It looked like a chunk of metal with feet and hands, with black balls as the fingertips.

The Goth girl's partner was a primal Lampent, a pure Fire type, and it had the looks to back it up. It was entirely composed of purple fire, except for the black wood burning in the center of its head.

And finally, Coop. His Zangoose had gone primal as well. It stood on all fours and had purple spikes sticking out of its back.

Despite the hopeless situation, all the gym leaders present, as well as Goh and the Alola squad, stood up against them.

"We won't let that happen!" "You can't just steal people's Pokémon!" "Even without ours, we'll stop you!"

"We aren't afraid of you!" Misty said, speaking out against Coop.

Coop grew frustrated by her attitude and slapped her in the face. She fell, and Erika tended to her.

"You'll serve as an example for those who oppose us. Zangoose, use Poison Fang!" said Coop. He didn't care if his Pokémon killed her or not; he wanted her to suffer.

At the very moment the beast was about to leap at her, blue flames burnt a hole through the vines covering the stadium.

Misty and the others couldn't believe who had just done that.

"Red!" "Gary!" "Leaf!"

The names rang out as the three trainers, each with their starter Pokémon out, leapt through the hole and landed softly on a pile of leaves made by Leaf's Venusaur.

"...........?!" Red saw the mark on Misty's face, which infuriated the silent boy.

"Who do you guys think you are? Team Rocket was more intimidating than you lot," said Gary.

"You'll pay for hurting our friends (even if it's Misty)," Leaf added.

Team RGB had joined the fray and were ready to rumble.

Galliard park

The giant Trevenant released red spores in the park, entangling people and Pokémon in its roots. At the center of the giant ghost tree were Lillie and Samantha, both unconscious as the tree slowly consumed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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