Ch-17 Unheard Confessions

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Heelo people- So chapter 1,2 and probably 3 is gonna go through major editing

'Giyuu! Don't let your guard down because of your anger!' Shinobu screamed but Tomioka just had to attack, ofcourse. She knew she was in no place to talk about anger but she had no choice but to fight.

¡Fighting scene! (You can skip, there is more story ahead of the action scene)

'Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin'

'Insect Breathing, Second Form: Dance of the Bee Sting, True Flutter'

The demon dodged them with some effort and immediately threw rock shards with some dangerous liquid.

'Tomioka san! Don't touch those, it had some liquid, it could be poison' Shinobu ran after Tomioka as she quickly changed her speed after the attack.

They kept fighting for long time, it was still 30 minutes until sunrise. Shinobu was having a knee injury, Giyuu was tired, but he would not let the demon get away.

'Eleventh Form: Dead Calm'

Shinobu had seen the eleventh form in action for the first time.

Shinobu's pov:
He isn't moving. Is it really his eleventh form or a confusing move?

The demon quickly fell for Giyuu's stillness and threw 8 shards of sharp rocks with poision. As soon as they reached very close to Giyuu, they broke to small pieces.

'What??? How the heck did that happen?!??! Oiiii?!? Are you a demon??!??!' The demon was clearly confused.

That was Giyuu's chance. He could finally get what he lived for. Revenge. He swiftly moved towards the demon and sliced its head off.

'Curse you! Damn it!' The demon was still able to attack with shards. One quickly charged towards Giyuu

He was too busy to look at it. The attack charged towards him.

'GIYUU!' Shinobu charged infront of him. She took the attack on her stomach. It wasn't deep but it could be fatal for such a small body with poison already infused with its blood.

Another shard approached them. If it hit her, she was going to definitely die.

Giyuu took Shinobu's place and immediately got hit by it. That was a fatal injury.

'Oh no. No no no.. This can't be happening. Giyuu! Wake up!!' Shinobu was able to move but Giyuu had already fainted, he took more damage than her. Tears were rolling down her face, she didn't want anyone to die for her. Her parents, her sister and Giyuu.

Shinobu immediately took her kit searching for bandages and medicines. It was of no use. He needed proper medical attention.

'CALL THE DAMN KAKUSHI. NOW!' She shouted at both of the kasugai crows to make it clear that it was urgent.

His heartbeat was getting slower. Shinobu didn't give up. She gave him tonics and medicines to slow down the pain and bleeding. She quickly bandaged him up, forgetting her injury, she was herself in critical condition but she knew she had to save him, the one she fell for.

Enjoy the Cliffhanger! And please vote!

Tears Behind The Emotionless Face (giyushino)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin