Ch-14 Girlfriend?

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'Uhmm. Nothing.' Uzui was sweating, as he avoided the question, knowing Shinobu's short temper, he wouldn't dare to mess with her again.

Shinobu went and held his collar.

'Tell me what's going on.' Shinobu said as gave him a cold glare enough to freeze him.'


'PFFT- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was joking, Uzui san.' The alcohol got her. God knows if it was alcohol or not.

The Hashiras kept drinking and enjoyed the best out the their life. But time couldn't be stopped and soon everyone fell asleep.


It was morning and the sunlight hit the ground, it swooped it's way through Mitsuri's curtain and fell onto Giyuu's pale though charming face. His eye opened gracefully like a butterfly flapped its wings.

Giyuu's Pov:
Ahh shit... My head feels like bursting...the only thing he remembers was Mitsuri forcing him to drink. What even happened here?.... Everyone was sleeping as if it was a street and they were beggars. Some were drooling, some were snoring, some were talking in their sleep. Oh God, I feel like throwing up-

He ran to bathroom and immediately threw up. He was having his first hangover. He sat in there for a while holding his head trying to remember what happened yesterday. He wasn't able to recollect any memories of him talking about Tsutako.

'Having your first hangover?' A girl with purple-black bangs tied in a bun with the corps uniform.

Ofcourse it was Shinobu. Just without her beloved sister's haori.

'Ughh. Please Kochou. I really can't handle you right now.'

'Well. I'm here to help. I saw you struggling so I decided I could give you a hand.'

She handed me cup of some kind of liquid.

'What is that? Is that poison to kill me?'

'Ara ara~ so eager to die?'

'Yes.' He murmured.

'Why die when you have people who care for you? Especially when I'm here. Who is going to annoy you back at heaven?' Shinobu flirted as she smirked. Giyuu was having a mental fight with himself about her flirty behaviour.

'Your right. Maybe I shouldn't. You're here right?' Giyuu flirted back as he got himself back together.

Oof. Giyuu - 1, Shinobu - 0

'Uhmm. So the flirting is done?' The flashy guy was back. 'Actually nevermind, you have a girlfriend. I shouldn't bother you with Shinobu anymore.'


'What the f--k? I don't have a girlfriend.'

'Tell that to your drunk self.' Uzui said he walked back. ' We'll talk about this at breakfast. Everyone has got up.

Shinobu remembered what Uzui was talking about. She had memory about what happened while Giyuu didn't.

'Shinobu, you gotta believe me. I don't have a girlfriend.'

Wait- why am I justifying myself that I don't have a girlfriend?

'Well. I believe you.'

Shinobu obviously knew that it was a misunderstanding. A very funny one. She just tried to get Tomioka's trust, for she loved him. She could find him 100x more handsome than before. Open hair, eyebags under his eyes, first button of the shirt opened.

All Shinobu could see was his charming face looking at her desperately.


'So Tomioka. Tell me more about Tsutako. Your beloved girlfriend.' Uzui said perfectly remembering what happened. Everyone had faint memories but still remember her name.

Giyuu choked on the food he was eating.

'Tsutako? How do you even know her?'
Tomioka's eye was twitching.

That's a scenario you won't see very often.

'Oh come on. You were drunk. 'You just kept admiring her beauty. Obviously she's your girlfriend.

'Okay. Guys. Chill out. You shouldn't force him to spill out personal things. Shinobu immediately opposed.

'Im not lying. Believe me or not. I don't really care.'

His glare was enough for them to understand.

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