Ch-9 Sympathy

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'Why. Are. You. Ignoring. Me.?.'

'I'm not ignoring you. I was just busy.'

'Busy? Your in my village. What business would you have here?'

'I-i was busy helping Hayashi-san. I was helping her cook food for us today.'

The bickering continued until Shinobu noticed her distance from Giyuu.

She pushed him back.

'Get away from me!' Shinobu screamed as her face heated up.

But she wasn't the only one. Giyuu realised what she was talking about and soon enough, he was blushing too.

'Right. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that.' Giyuu apologized by moving back, maintaining distance from her.


Chiyo entered the entered the house. Little did she know that she stepped into some romantic drama.

She saw both of them blushing and getting flustered. She immediately started getting ideas which the pillars couldn't even imagine of.

'Ehhh. I'll give you guys some privacy' Chiyo said while she looked the other way.

'Its not like that Chiyo San!' Shinobu screamed as she walked away

Giyuu was left alone in the room with his absurd thoughts.

Giyuu's pov:
What was Chiyo San thinking? Me and Shinobu? Why does everyone even think of us as a couple? Shinobu doesn't like me...right?

Giyuu kept questioning both of their feelings towards each other. He did realise that he does act different when he was around Shinobu. But that's because he just likes her being around? Or does he like her? The questions in his mind were getting twisted every second. He never thought of getting attached to anyone after Sabito's death. Is she an exception?

At night:


'We'll be leaving in some hours, about early morning.' Giyuu said as munched on his salmon daikon.

'Aww man, I wish you guys could have stayed longer. But work has to be attended.' Chiyo said with a smile.

'By the way. I wanted to ask you about Akira-chan. How's she doing? I haven't seen her here.' Giyuu asked Chiyo while munching on his food with rice on his face. Man he never learned table manners.

Shinobu's pov:
Who is Akira? Chan? Are they close?

'Right. I didn't tell you. She joined the corps. She wanted to follow you. It has been about 3 months after she joined.' Chiyo said with a bright smile on her face.

'Ehhh? The corps? I didn't see her yet. Well, I possibly couldn't because I don't do a lot of joint mission so I usually finish mission by myself.' Giyuu said with a surprised look on her face.

'Ara Ara~ Who is Akira? Tomioka san's friend?' Shinobu asked

'Well. Yes. We know each when I met Chiyo San. Akira Chan is Chiyo san's daughter.'


'Tomioka san. You have rice on your face.' Shinobu said while wiping it with a towel.

Tomioka's face heated up as he turned as the same colour of a tomato.

Chiyo sure was enjoying it.

They finished dinner and then packed their things.

'Kochou. I need to do one more thing before we leave. Will you join? I need help.

Woah. He asked for help? Recently Giyuu had become more lively atleast with Shinobu. Their relationship had become a bit more stronger. He approached her and talked a bit more.

'Sure, why not? What help do you need?'

'I want to visit my old house.'

Shinobu suddenly got flashbacks of the scene at the cemetery. She suddenly zoned out.

'Oi. You keep zoning out a lot. Are you okay?'

'Oh yeah. I'm good. Let's go.'

They left towards his house. It was pretty much a long walk.

They reached his house. It was a average sized house. It had gotten pretty old but it was clean. Looked like Chiyo San took care of it.

'This is where we used to live.' Giyuu said while pointing at the house.

'We? Who's we?' Shinobu asked even though she knew the answer to it. She was good at lying even with a smile on her face.


'That's a story for another time.' Giyuu said while entering the house.

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