Ch-8 One Sided

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What is he doing at the cemetery?
The question kept ringing in Shinobu's mind. Even though she didn't want an answer to it she kept thinking for an answer. The unfamiliar feeling made her keep thinking about the answer...

Shinobu stood near a tree trying to eavesdrop on Giyuu which was not of her nature.

Suddenly, Giyuu started crying as placed the flowers near a specific grave. The tears kept stinging Shinobu's body just as in the same situation when her sister died. The feeling kept her standing there and watch him cry.

Shinobu's pov:
H-He is crying!??! How is that even possible- I mean him?! I feel like I shouldn't be standing here watching him like this. I mean nothing to this place to stand here and keep watching this atrocity-

Her ringing thoughts were stopped by a sentence which changed her entire perspective on the cold Water Hashira.

'I'm sorry Tsutako nee-san. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I'm so weak. I'm for being such a burden to you.'

Shinobu's pov:
Nee-san? What? I never knew about this- nobody from the corps knew either. Chiyo did say something about Tsutako. But I never thought of her being his sister

Shinobu felt like she started to learn about things she isn't supposed to. Her mind was racing through thoughts whereas her heart kept throbbing on what she saw right now.

Shinobu walked off from the tree and went out of the cemetery. She made up her mind and decided that she had to leave. She soon reached backed at Chiyo's house.

'Shinobu! Did you find Giyuu?' Chiyo asked as she put the breakfast onto the table.

'Uhh. No actually. I'm not familiar to this village and I was afraid I would get lost over here so I tried finding but I couldn't so I left.' Shinobu lied with a smile on her face.

'Oh. Alright dear. I'm sure he'll come back soon-

Chiyo was interrupted as Giyuu entered.

Shinobu's heart started racing as soon as Giyuu entered. Her thoughts kept on running around if he had caught her watching him.

Shinobu had completed zoned out of the conversation until she realised that Giyuu was calling her.

'SHINOBU' Giyuu shouted to get her back to reality.

'Ohh. Uhh sorry. Umm let's start breakfast?'


The day went quite normal for Giyuu whereas Shinobu was having her first experience with love. She was confused and kept zoning out all day. On the other hand, Giyuu was wasn't getting around with Shinobu's complete change of personality. She wasn't messing with him and worse, she wasn't even talking to him. She kept ignoring him all day.

It was about evening and Chiyo had went out for her evening walk.

Giyuu walked over and saw that Shinobu had already left.

Giyuu always thought of Shinobu and her teasing to be annoying but a sudden change to that made him realise that her company and teasing always kept him going in some way.

Giyuu followed Shinobu and kept calling out her name

'Oi Kochou.'



She stopped. He ran close to her.

'Why are you ignoring me?'

The distance between them was just some inches. But that didn't matter. They were busy looking into each other's eyes. One, ocean blue eyes which has already lost its shine and the other, deep purple eyes which had no hope but had continued its life for one purpose.

The atmosphere was calm and warm. Both of their hearts were pounding at the rate that they could hear each other's heart beats racing forward. The feeling was unknown though familiar to them. Everything around them was going so fast that they couldn't understand how fast time was flying around them...

Tears Behind The Emotionless Face (giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now