Ch-7 Old Memories

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They entered Chiyo's house. It was small though very beautiful and comfortable.

'You guys should go sit down, I'll make dinner since i wasn't expecting you at all' Chiyo said while pointing to the couch

Giyu relaxed on the couch. He was tired from the journey. Shinobu on the other hand offered Chiyo help in cooking.

They ate dinner and then talked about old times. Shinobu got to know more about Giyuu. Soon enough Giyuu went to sleep and it was only Chiyo and Shinobu.

'Was Giyuu always like this?' Shinobu asked

'Like what?' Chiyo curiously asked.

'Cold and emotionless. He acted way different to you than he does to the rest of us. Well, it may be because you're his relative?' Shinobu answered slowly.

'No no. I'm not his relative. You could say I used to take care of him after Tsutako and helped him run away from this village.' Chiyo answered with a dull smile.

'Tsutako? Who's that?Run away? Then why would he come back?' Shinobu questioned

'He hasn't told you about her?'


'Well, I don't think I it is a good idea for me to tell you about her. It's something very important and personal to him. It's better if he says it to you and not me.' Chiyo answered

'And about that, I would have never thought of Giyuu being emotionless.' Chiyo said while handing a picture of Giyuu when he was a small boy.

' Chiyo said while handing a picture of Giyuu when he was a small boy

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(Sorry I'm not able to find credits of this)


'AWWWWW!! He was soo cutee!! I wish I could see this in real life!!!' Shinobu said with having a panic attack from seeing Giyuu smile.

Shinobu and Chiyo continued chatting as soon became friends. Soon it was pitch black outside and they decided to go sleep.

Next morning

'Good morning Chiyo San! Have you seen Tomioka san anywhere?' Shinobu asked as she tied her hair.

'Oh. He's gone outside.'

'Well, I'll go find him. I'll be back in sometime'

'Alright. Be safe.

Shinobu went outside to find Giyuu and soon realised that she was recieving stares from men who were looking at her intently. Pretty much Shinobu as she was, gave a sharp glare which made the men clear that she was not interested.

Shinobu went on searching for Giyuu and asked people where he was. People gave her directions on where they saw Giyuu walking towards and she followed those direction. After sometime it led her to the graveyard where she found Giyuu with a bouquet of white and yellow flowers.

'What is he doing here???' Shinobu asked herself again and again

Tears Behind The Emotionless Face (giyushino)Where stories live. Discover now