Volume 1 - Ch. 1 Classroom of Talent Supremacy

Start from the beginning

And it seems that no one has learned anything from history and instead acts out of self-interest, which has resulted in the current state of society.

As this society continues, "the used" will eventually lose sight of their own sense of purpose and wander aimlessly. Ultimately, they seek "hope" to project their fears onto something or someone.

That something or someone could be others, objects, or perhaps...

Now, how can we achieve "equality"? I know the unexciting answer, but it's better if everyone thinks about it for themselves.

Let me share just one opinion. However, most likely, many of you will become extremely enraged by it. But that kind of rage is uninteresting to me.

-- Those who lack talent are like dust mites.

The word "equality" is a term sought by those who pursue ideals, and it would be better to give up and think about something else rather than pondering such matters. After all, inequality begins from the moment of birth.

Because "talent" and "equality" are inseparable words.


What could happen at school in April? For students who are already attending, it would be a time of change as they move up a grade, which can bring both positive and negative experiences.

For example, friends who were close may be separated due to class changes, but on the other hand, new friendships can be formed through class reshuffling.

However, when it comes to school events in April, the entrance ceremony stands out. In front of the school gate, you can see newly enrolled students wearing pristine, untarnished uniforms. It is a wonderful period when their youth begins. The spring breeze gently sways as if supporting their youth.

"...To think that I, who was once called the Ultimate Hope, would be entering school again... Truly unexpected."

Upon passing through the school gate, there is a bulletin board displaying the new students' class assignments. A new student, who seems to have confirmed their class, mutters to themselves.

The boy has a distinctive appearance. His hair, meticulously maintained despite its length reaching his waist, is completely black, leaving no room for any other color. And his red eyes, visible through the black hair, seem to see through everything, possessing a strong and cold gaze.

The rest of his facial features are well-proportioned, and one could say that his overall appearance is highly rated.

Just as the black-haired boy is about to walk towards his designated class, an interesting coincidence occurs.

A slightly shorter girl with light blue short hair drops her handkerchief in front of him.

Seemingly unaware that she dropped it, the girl continues walking. Did the black-haired boy notice? He starts running towards her, intending to return the handkerchief.

Is this what they call the beginning of youth? If he were an ordinary high school boy, he might think of becoming friends with the girl and deepening their relationship. Truly, youth is a wonderful thing.

Unfortunately, he was not an ordinary high school boy.

It's such a bother. I express my thoughts exactly as they are in words. I wish she had noticed that the handkerchief would fall from that angle. Such trivial complaints arise.

However, there's nothing I can do. We're headed in the same direction.

Losing something on the first day is "unfortunate."

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