Chapter 12: The six paragons (And a talk with an old friend)

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Present Tense Percy POV:

I find a good tree and fall asleep, causing a weird dream.

I'm standing on what looks like a metal square in space. Behind me are planets and stars. In front of me is complete black. It seems that I'm standing at the edge of the universe.

"Well, Percy?"

I turn around, expecting to see Akhlys, but I am surprised to see Chaos.

"Well, what?"

She sighs. "Will you take the leap?"

"What leap?"

She looks at me and says,

"Oh, I see."

"You see what?"

"You're here too early."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, for now. However, I can help you."


"With advice. You need to get the paragons soon. Much has happened in the last couple of days, much more than I would expect. You are a fast worker."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Look, Percy, you have a week. One week until the war finishes. You need to get the paragons and start training the campers."

"But I don't even know who all of them will be!"

"You'll figure it out. Until then, know this. You will see your family when gathering the paragons. They are content and living their lives in Elysium. Do not try to bring them back."

I bow my head, sadly. "If that your will, Lady Chaos."

"Thank you, Perseus."

"Of course."

"You will wake soon. When you come back here," She says, gesturing to the square, "you better have an answer."

"An answer for what?"

"You'll figure it out," She says as my vision goes black.

I awake to quiet footsteps. It's dark, I slept too late.

I look through my wings to see who caused the footsteps. Piper is trying to sneak through the forest. She hasn't seen me yet, so I turn invisible and start to follow here.

She walks for a while and eventually reaches Zeus's fist, sitting on it. I make sure my mask and cloak are on and walk up to sit next to her, making myself visible.

"It's dangerous to go out alone at night, y'know."

She jumps up and whips out Katoptris and points it at me, surprise and fear in her eyes. She sees me and lowers her dagger, sitting back down next to me and saying,

"Yeah, well, I do it every night, and I haven't been hurt or caught yet."


She sighs. "I had a... friend who died some years back. I come here because the rock is named after his father, and I can clearly see the sky."

"You say friend with hesitation, was he more than that?"

"I... yeah, he was. We dated for a while, but we got into an argument, and eventually, we... split apart. I wanted to go back to him, to talk through it and to try the relationship again, but..."

"He died."

"Yes. And know that I'm a god, I won't be able to see him in Elysium."

"Then why did you accept Godhood?"

Percy Jackson, the Demigod Who Redifined "Impossible"Where stories live. Discover now