Execution Three: Apex Predator

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Song Inspo: None

It hardly mattered who killed who. Whether Teruteru was a murderer or not. Akane was a killer. Seeing how physical both crimes were, Akane was the likely culprit. Teruteru, though involved, was a victim himself. Disposed of to tie off loose ends. Akane could only hand her head in defeat. She was caught.

"I just... I couldn't..." Hot tears pricked her eyes and she furiously rubbed her eyes to keep them at bay. "...I was weak..." Mahiru left her podium and went over to Akane to rub her back sympathetically. It was almost... relieving to see her cry of her own free will. Not like it was relieving to see her so upset and awaiting execution. That was still unbearable. Sending another student to their death was never enjoyable, whether they killed or not.

Abruptly, Akane tossed her head back and let out a wail of pure despair, sobs shaking her body. Monokuma through his hands up in frustration, "Enough with the mushy-gushy stuff! It's PUNISHMENT TIME!"

"I have a veryyyy special punishment for the Ultimate Gymnast!"

Dismount Deductions (TW— starting in paragraph 4:

Akane is placed in the center of a matted floor. In front of her was a variety of different equipment for her to preform a makeshift routine. A panel of 3 Monokuma "judges" watched intently from the sidelines. Breaking into a sprint, Akane approached the springboard, propelling herself into a front handspring off of the vault, completing the flip and managing to stick the landing flawlessly. The judges sat stone faced, not scoring her execution. The only acknowledgment of completion being rusty saws that emerged for the next obstacle: the balance beam.

Mounting the bar, Akane started with an aerial, the handless cartwheel almost causing her to fall towards the spinning blades beneath her. Arching her back to preform a back walk over, her un-chalked hands slipped, when she was in her handstand position, causing her to cling to the balance beam for her life, her arm being sliced open. Gritting her teeth to bite back her pain, Akane kept her determined face, pulling herself up to cleanly dismount.

Unlike the former silence from the judges, the Monokuma's held up a 4, 3, and 4 respectively. The final step, was the floor. A box was marked around her in tape. The parameters that kept her from the whirring saws. Akane completed the first set of her routine flawlessly. Panting, a proud smile was forming on the face of the Ultimate Gymnast. However, the shaky result of a back somersault caused the heels of Akane's feet to cross the outline of the box and thus, enacted the fury of the saws.

A gut-wrenching cry escaped Akane as her Achilles tendons were sliced open. Unable to perform the pushing motion needed to get up, she flopped like a fish out of water. With her feet nearly severed from her body, Akane had no choice but to crawl. The trail of blood pooled at her stinging ankles as she desperately tried to reach the center of the floor. The deep cuts throned and pulsed, her feet dangling limply, strings of flesh providing an extra object to be in the way. No longer useful, her legs provided a gruesome, grueling display of bloody reminder of her desperate attempts to free herself from the killing game.

However, previous performance rules still applied, and her lack of stunts qualified for deductions for an incomplete routine. A plethora of saws jutted out from the floor, the metal teeth hooking into Akane's flesh, dragging the skin from muscle and the muscle from bone as the blades ravaged the gymnast. The spinning saws cut endlessly, blood spewing from the deep irreparable gashes. With her final breath of agony, Akane saw 10's across the board, written in her own blood.


Sonia covered her mouth in horror, nauseated by the display, Mahiru was poised beside her in case the princess needed someone to hold her hair. Soda had tugged his beanie over his eyes, practically swaying on his feet. M/n and Gundham both had their backs to the scene, Mikan in tears despite her recent behavioral shift. She wanted to help, but it would have been a death sentence for herself if she had tried to intervene.

Hajime puked, Chiaki at his side, patting his back. A disturbed Fuyuhiko had his eyes locked on the scene along with Nagito who was still comatose. At last, Monokuma laughed, deeming his "show" over. The group of high-schoolers filed out of the trial room. Mahiru having to turn around and grabbing Nagito by the collar to physically drag his numb self back towards the cabins.

M/n looked up as he walked, for the first time since they arrived on the island sets, gloomy clouds were rolling in overhead. It was raining. Some islanders picked up the pace to get out of the downpour but the Surfer continued his leisurely walk. His hair stuck to his face wherever it was long enough as the rain soaked through his clothes. Opening his cabin door, M/n walked inside, stray water droplets falling on the wooden floor. Making no effort to dry his hair, M/n simply put on his pajamas and settled in bed. Darkness quickly consuming his consciousness, the events of the day caught up with him. The harsh reality  M/n has had to endure, the death he has seen, fading deep into the depths of his mind.

A/N: I'm backkkkkk!! I think? I don't know for how long so I apologize if I vanish again but the next chapter should be out soon-ish lol hope you all have been doing well!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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